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A perspective from a new developer

The confusion with platforms
As a new developer, I think the most confusing thing about platforms is when to use which one. There are so many different platforms and each of them have different strengths and weaknesses. While a lot of them do the same thing, it might be quicker, faster, or better developed if you pick the right platform.

Learning web components and VanillaJS in an approachable way

As a student learning about web components and VanillaJS, there is a lot to learn, and a lot of ways to learn it. My idea on how these things can be taught in a a way that is more approachable would be for there to articles on step by steps, including possible errors. How to publish to npm, using open environments, all can be confusing but with screenshots and steps, it can be very helpful.

Easiest to work with on first stab

I think the easiest thing to work with on first stab was open wc. The reason being that it was easy to see how the code works for the logo. And then that made it easy to see where to put my code, and how to run it and see what to fix. It also helped to see it in a web browser.

Tooling, what was easy, what wasn't

I think that the most confusing part about tooling was the terminal (npm start). I was unsure of what it was doing and iy confused me for a while. Editing in VScode clicked easily for me and version control with Git also made a lot of sense to me.

Readings to better understand

I did readings on the differences between angular, react, and svelte. How each platform is different and what each is primarily used for. I also read on version control using Git in the command line, but realized that using Github desktop GUI did a lot of those actions for me.

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