Joomla! is one of open source CMS softwares such as WordPress and Drupal.
This post shows the installation steps I followed to try its Alpha 12 on OpenBSD. It was released on Oct. 18, 2019. Wow, far offπ
It is perhaps around then that I did it. The latest of its v4 today is Beta 7.
Installation steps
Database: MariaDB
Connect to database server with mysql
command-line client.
-- create
CREATE DATABASE <database> \
COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
-- grant privileges
ON <database>.* \
TO <dbuser>@'localhost' \
IDENTIFIED BY '<dbpassword>';
-- flush
CMS: Joomla!
Get it.
$ ftp
Make a directory named joomla4
and place Joomla! files in it.
$ mkdir joomla4
$ tar xjf Joomla_4*.tar.bz2 -C ./joomla4
Besides, if the downloaded is a tar.gz file, of cource, tar
flags are xzf
. j
is for .bz2 aka bzip2 and z
is for .gz aka gzip.
Add permission to www aka OpenBSD httpd user.
$ doas chown -R www:www joomla4
Web: OpenBSD httpd
is up to environment.
server "<fqdn>" {
listen on $ext_addr port 80
block return 301 "https://$SERVER_NAME$REQUEST_URI"
server "<fqdn>" {
listen on $ext_addr tls port 443
tls {
certificate "/etc/letsencrypt/live/<fqdn>/fullchain.pem"
key "/etc/letsencrypt/live/<fqdn>/privkey.pem"
log {
access "<fqdn>-access.log"
error "<fqdn>-error.log"
# up to directory structure under `/var/www` or another `chroot` path:
root "<chroot-parent-dir>/joomla4"
directory index index.php
location "/*.php" {
fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"
location "/*.php[/?]*" {
fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"
Here, I used Let's Encrypt certificate from Certbot client in order to access through https. There are several options.
Web installer
Access with a web browser to https:// or some url.
The Installation processes are like these.
Site configuration:
Login information:
Database configuration:
When the installation is completed, confirmation on removing installation directory is shown for the sake of security. I did it.
The landing page is like this by default whose template is Cassiopeia.
The administrator panel is available.
Here are the administrator menus.
Well, it's familiar with mobile view thanks to their working with Bootstrap 4.
For example, the menus are toggled in mobile view.
Top comments (2)
I have a problem with Joomla 4, my media folder is missing and I can't upload images. But the previously uploaded pictures are still there.
Hi, which environment is yours ?
I confirmed after reading your comments that the steps in this post also work with Joomla! 4.3 on OpenBSD 7.3 (the latest on the latest).