DEV Community

Nathaniel Degorio
Nathaniel Degorio

Posted on

Tips for a guy who wants to learn python

Okay, so to start, I already googled a lot of tips and actually started to learn. I just wanted more and what better community to ask than a community for devs, right?

Why this community though? well, I have been following the facebook page and read a lot posts here. And I truly love the content I found here.

Also, a little background on me. I already have experience in coding in web development using c#,javascript and php (a few years now) but I also want to try web development using python.

Another reason why I want to learn python is to eventually try machine learning since I have always been interested and felt like this is the time to try since I feel like coding at work has become to safe and is sometimes boring me.

Thanks by the way to the guys who will help. I really appreciate it.

Top comments (1)

rhymes profile image

Hi Nathaniel!

Welcome to

A few tips on Python:

  • go through the official tutorial, there's a lot of information packed in there and you need to be familiar with the language anyway

  • I always loved Dive into Python and Mark Pilgrim's writing style

When you're comfortable with Python, the Flask Mega Tutorial is a comprehensive overview on web development with Python