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Nero Blackstone
Nero Blackstone

Posted on

Install Arturia VST on Linux

As we know Arturia VST is available only on MacOS and Windows. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to install Arturia VST on Linux via yabridge.

Step1. Install wine-staging.

~> wine --version
wine-8.10 (Staging)
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Step2. Install winetricks

~> winetricks --version
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Step3. Install wine-mono

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At following steps, we use default WINEPREFIX:

Step4: Install Arturia VST or Arturia Softerware center exe file.

~/D/Arturia> wine Arturia.exe
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If you got black screen here, please use winecfg:

~> winecfg
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and check Emulate a virtual desktop

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After Arturia VST installed, uncheck this checkbox.

Step5: Install and config yabridge.

After install yabridge

~> yabridgectl --version
yabridgectl 5.0.5
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Then add vst path to yabridge by your WINEPREFIX, we use default prifix here. And sync:

~> yabridgectl add ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Common\ Files/VST3
~> yabridgectl sync
Setting up VST2, VST3, and CLAP plugins using:
- /home/nero/.local/share/yabridge/
- /home/nero/.local/share/yabridge/
- /home/nero/.local/share/yabridge/
Finished setting up 9 plugins (9 new), skipped 0 non-plugin .dll files
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For other problems: Try install dxvk

~> winetricks dxvk
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Yabridge have a active discord community, you can search chat history there if you have more problems.

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