DEV Community

Nicholas Karimi
Nicholas Karimi

Posted on

[remote graduation]

My Final Project

Online Recyclable Waste Management System

Link to Code

{% github nicholas-karimi/online_recyclable_waste_mgt_system %}

How I built it (what's the stack? did I run into issues or discover something new along the way?)

This was a web based system that aimed to solve the challenge of garbage collection in my city by creating a market place sort of platform connecting recyclable waste collectors with the recycling companies.

Technology Stacks

Front End

  2. Materialize CSS

Back End

  1. PHP
  2. MySQL

Whilst developing the project, i realized that the project could be improved to have more additional features that were not envisaged earlier in my use case diagram such as bidding feature, payment integration et cetera.

Additional Thoughts / Feelings / Stories

Since the github students pack has loads of goddies, i plan to use specific ones such as AWS, namecheap, stripe for hosting,domain and payments to go live. Additionally, i will be leveraging on the various tools to improve my skills in software development as i actively seek for a industry traing.

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