DEV Community

Nicholas Rose
Nicholas Rose

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My venture to coding

Growing up as a San Francisco Bay Area native in the early 90s, I was fortunate to be among the earliest generations to experience the dawn of the "modern" home computer. Back then, the mere concept of having a computer at home was thrilling, and as a wide-eyed elementary school student, I was mesmerized by the endless possibilities these machines offered. From playing video games to creating artwork and electronic music, the school computer lab quickly became my sanctuary.

The true game-changer, however, was when the internet burst into households, unleashing a tidal wave of information and connectivity. Suddenly, the world was at my fingertips, and the notion of being able to connect with people from all corners of the globe was nothing short of mind-blowing. This early exposure to technology sparked a fascination within me that would eventually blossom into a full-blown passion.

One of the most significant impacts of this technological immersion was my decision to pursue a creative career in audio engineering. Witnessing the evolution of technology firsthand, from clunky desktops to sleek laptops, and understanding the immense power these devices wielded, opened my eyes to the endless possibilities in music production and content creation. Gone were the days when studios were reserved for million-dollar recording artists; now, with just a laptop and the right software, anyone could create professional-grade music from the comfort of their own home.

After nearly two decades of refining my musical craft and experimenting with various software programs, I reached a pivotal moment in my journey. It dawned on me that the natural progression of my passion for audio engineering lay in merging the best elements of different programs to create a truly tailored suite that catered to my specific needs. It was around this time that I stumbled upon Flatiron School.

Despite having no significant experience in coding, I considered myself adept at navigating various software programs. The prospect of learning software engineering at an institution like Flatiron School, in a fast-paced environment, was an irresistible challenge. Little did I know just how steep the learning curve would be.

The initial concepts that stumped me were embarrassingly basic, highlighting the vast difference between my familiarity with advanced programs and the fundamental building blocks of coding. I felt like Neo in "The Matrix," staring at a screen filled with indecipherable symbols and equations. However, as I delved deeper into the curriculum, I discovered that coding wasn't the intimidating beast I had initially perceived it to be. In fact, it was remarkably logical and could actually be kind of fun.

As I grappled with concepts that extended beyond mere numbers and equations, I realized that coding offered a whole new realm of creative expression. The principles I had honed in audio engineering could be applied to coding, opening up a world of possibilities.

This is just the beginning of my coding journey, and I'm filled with a strong desire to learn more. With each line of code I write, I'm getting closer to unlocking new possibilities in creativity. Who knows what the future holds? Perhaps a combination of my skills in content creation and software development will give rise to awesome projects that could change my life.

In the end, my journey from early exposure to technology to embarking on this new adventure in software engineering is a testament to the power of passion and perseverance. As I continue down this path, I'm excited to see where it leads me next.

function addItUp(num1, num2) {
    return num1 + num2;

console.log(addItUp(300, 33));
// 333
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