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Danilo Miranda
Danilo Miranda

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MVVM Architecture

Swift and the MVVM architecture

While building apps using Swift and SwiftUI you'll be following the MVVM architecture which consists of three distinct holes within your application.

  • The Model, which is responsible for holding your application's data and being the source of truth of your app.
  • The View, which, by name, you can guess that consists the view part of your app, where you'll write everything that it's related to your UI (buttons, lists, avatar and so on...)
  • The ModeView acts more like a "glue" between your Model and your View. He is responsible for enabling the communication between your view and your model, acting like a bridge or a middle agent between the two of them.

The MVVM Overview

But how exactly does the ModelView guarantees this communication between the Model and the View?

Basically this communication happens by following a pattern of listening to changes, publishing that changes have occurred and "listening" to these publications.

So anytime a change of data happens in the Model, the ModelView is subscribed to these changes, listening to when they happen:

Beginning of data flow

And after a change of data occurs, and ModelView detects it, what happens?

From this point, the ModelView will be responsible for publishing that a change happened. The view will be observing for these publications and will update the interface

Publishing to View

The other direction

Now, let's take a look at how the communication happens starting from the View part of our application:

View -> ModelView -> Model
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Suppose that in our interface we have a button that increments a counter. How does this update happens?

When the user clicks in this button, he has the intent of incrementing the counter. So, we expose to the View through the ModelView something that we could call as "Intent functions". They are just regular functions that will be called from an interaction that happens in our interface.

So in this simple case mentioned above, the button fires an intent to increment the counter.

When this function (for instance incrementCounter()) is invoked from the button click the ModelView will simply update the Model variable which holds the current counter value.

From this point the cycle basically repeats. After the counter value is updated, the ModelView will publish that this value was updated, the View will listen to this publication, get the new counter value and update the interface.

The final flow would look close to this:

MVVM Final Data Flow

These were just a few notes about the MVVM, there's no detail on how to implement this on an actual code base as I intend to this in a next article.

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