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Why I Chose Software Engineering

I have chosen to become a software engineer for a multitude of reasons. The main reason is simply because being a software engineer opens up so many doors to many different occupations so you can have a variety of options. Another main reason why I chose to pursue software engineering is because of job security. The tech field is ever expanding and because of this, coders will always be needed. This is not necessarily a reason for me pursuing software engineering, but I do have a tremendous passion for computers and technology, so to get the opportunity to work on or with computers would be a dream come true.

Earlier this year I was furloughed from my job due to COVID-19, so instead of sitting around waiting to get a call back, I decided to go back to school. I chose Flatiron because a friend of my who is a software engineer recommended them. After doing my own research on the school I decided that Flatiron was best for me. So far I am loving the curriculum, the people, and the knowledge I am gaining to pursue my dream of becoming a software engineer. The positivity and assistance the cohort leads, other cohort members, and educational coaches provide make me even more comfortable with my decision of pursuing my dream.

In closing, I look forward to meeting more of my cohort members and to continue chasing my dream of becoming a software engineer. I cannot wait to see where this journey takes me. Again, I would like to thank my cohort leads, other cohort members, and my educational coaches for all their support. I hope to see you guys out in the job force soon. Good Luck everyone!

Top comments (2)

cadams profile image
Chad Adams

Is there a particular type of Software Engineer you want to be? Front end, Backend, Full stack, Mobile dev, Dev Ops, Game dev, Embedded dev?

nobar86 profile image

My dream would be to become a game developer, but a more realistic goal would to become a full-stack developer.