Implementing IComparable correctly is somewhat tedious. It is even more tedious to test each time.
ComparableGenerator provides a high quality implementation of IComparable.
NuGet : ComparableGenerator
Install-Package ComparableGenerator
For example, if you want to sort the Employee class by the Id property, declare the Comparable and CompareBy attributes.
using ComparableGenerator;
namespace GenerateSource
public partial struct Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
The ComparableGenerator generates the following code.
using System;
namespace GenerateSource
public partial struct Employee : IComparable, IComparable<Employee>
#nullable disable
public int CompareTo(object other)
#nullable enable
if (other is null) return 1;
if (other is Employee concreteObject)
return CompareTo(concreteObject);
throw new ArgumentException("Object is not a GenerateSource.Employee.");
public int CompareTo(Employee other)
return Id.CompareTo(other.Id);
Of course, it also supports classes and multiple members.
public partial class ClassObject
public int Value1 { get; set; }
[CompareBy(Priority = 2)]
public int Value2;
[CompareBy(Priority = 1)]
public int Value3 { get; set; }
When declaring CompareBy for multiple members, specify a unique priority for each.
Here is the code generated in this case.
- Supports C# 9.0 and higher
- Inner classes are not supported.
- Comparable and CompareBy contained in different "partial sources" are not supported.
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