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How to Integrate Stripe Payment Gateway with nxtbn

Integrating a payment gateway into your e-commerce platform is crucial for handling online transactions smoothly and securely. nxtbn, which stands for "next billion native commerce," is a high-performance e-commerce CMS built for Python and its web framework django, designed to cater efficiently to the next billion internet users. This guide will walk you through integrating the Stripe payment gateway into your nxtbn architecture.


Before you begin, ensure that you have:

  • An account with Stripe (create one at Stripe's website).
  • Access to the nxtbn unified payment gateway architecture.
  • Basic knowledge of Python, as nxtbn's plugins are developed using this language.

Step 1: Set Up Your Stripe Account

Log into your Stripe account and retrieve your API keys from the Dashboard under Developers > API keys. You will need both the publishable key and the secret key for the integration.

Step 2: Create the Stripe Payment Plugin

Create a new Python file named in the nxtbn.payment.plugins/ directory of your nxtbn project. This directory automatically registers any plugins placed within it, simplifying the setup process. Here’s how you can code the Stripe payment plugin:

from nxtbn.payment.base import PaymentPlugin, PaymentResponse
import stripe

class StripePaymentPlugin(PaymentPlugin):
    def __init__(self, secret_key):
        self.stripe = stripe
        self.stripe.api_key = secret_key

    def process_payment(self, amount, currency, customer_details):
            charge = self.stripe.Charge.create(
                amount=amount,  # Amount should be in cents
                description='Charge for ' + customer_details['email'],
                source=customer_details['token']  # Obtained via Stripe.js
            return PaymentResponse(success=True, transaction_id=charge['id'])
        except stripe.error.StripeError as e:
            return PaymentResponse(success=False, error=str(e))

    def refund_payment(self, transaction_id, amount):
            refund = self.stripe.Refund.create(
                amount=amount  # Amount in cents to refund
            return PaymentResponse(success=True, transaction_id=refund['id'])
        except stripe.error.StripeError as e:
            return PaymentResponse(success=False, error=str(e))

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This plugin initializes Stripe with a secret key and handles both payment processing and refunds.

Step 3: Testing

Before going live, thoroughly test your integration in a controlled environment using Stripe's test API keys and test credit card numbers. This ensures that your integration works correctly without actual financial transactions.

Step 4: Go Live

Once you are confident in the functionality and security of your integration, switch the test API keys with your live Stripe API keys to start handling real transactions.


Integrating Stripe into your nxtbn architecture leverages a powerful payment processing system that enhances your platform's capability to handle transactions reliably. With nxtbn's auto-registration of plugins, setting up and starting your Stripe integration becomes a streamlined process, allowing you to focus more on other aspects of your business. This integration not only boosts your platform's performance but also aligns with nxtbn's mission to empower the next billion users with robust, native commerce solutions.

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