Hi There! I am Olushola! I am a Backend Software Engineer. I recently picked up Golang and I have been really excited about...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
I tried using
by itself and lost interest when I realised the amount of boilerplate involved for less than trivial implementations.Below someone mentioned fluent-amqp as their own library. I went with cony:
Seems to be the most popular one at the moment.
it seems to be unmaintaned
Nice explanation! For a big application you will probably meet another problem: recovery/redeclare all channels, bindings and queues after reconnect.
I can offer . I made it to provide more flexible and clean way to interact with amqp. It's just a wrapper of library in the article
Thanks! I'll be sure to check the library out!
Hey I've been using cony, which I'm sure you're aware of, but it's really good to see signing and verification upfront in the README! Good stuff.
Great article with examples 👏
Thanks Jason!
Great article! Thank you. The whole CODE from this article:
great post!
Thanks! looking forward for more go-channels tutorials...
Good intro to rabbit in go. To avoid boilerplate code and complexity of handling errors I use go-mq package:
AMQP has a lot of boilerplate - I'm working on a library to make lives easier, you may want to check it out:
Great article . Would have been even better if there were diagrams and a more iterative example of the consumer.
how to connect to cluster, i tried putting the cluster before a nginx , but no luck it doest consume after queue size is zero , only works on start up