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Top 5 CakePHP Interview Questions and Answers -Dev

CakePHP as a powerful PHP framework, is widely used for building web applications. If you’re preparing for a CakePHP interview, it’s essential to be well-versed in its key concepts and functionalities.

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Q1. What is CakePHP, and what are its key features?
Ans: CakePHP is an open-source web framework written in PHP, following the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern. Its key features include scaffolding, ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), built-in validation, security features like CSRF protection, and easy integration with third-party libraries.

Q2. Explain the MVC architecture in CakePHP.
Ans: CakePHP, MVC separates the application logic into three components:

Model: Represents the data and business logic and interacts with the database.
View: Handles the presentation layer, rendering the user interface.
Controller: Acts as an intermediary between the Model and View, processes requests, retrieves data from the Model, and passes it to the View for rendering.
Q3. What are the conventions used in CakePHP?
Ans: CakePHP follows conventions for naming files, folders, and database tables to streamline development. For example, models, controllers, and views follow specific naming conventions for auto-loading, and database tables are named in lowercase plural form with underscores.

Q4. How does routing work in CakePHP?
Ans: Routing in CakePHP maps URLs to controller actions. Routes are defined in the routes.php file in the config folder. Default routing follows the convention of ‘/controller/action/parameters’, but you can customize routes for SEO-friendly URLs.

Q5. What are the components, helpers, and behaviors in CakePHP?
Ans: Components: Reusable packages of logic shared between controllers, providing functionalities like session management and request handling.

Helpers: Auxiliary classes used in views to generate HTML, forms, and other UI elements.

Behaviors: Attachable classes that enhance the functionality of models, offering features like timestamping and tree structures.

CakePHP interview questions and answers will help you demonstrate your proficiency in CakePHP development and increase your chances of success in job interviews.

Read more: Online Interview Questions

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