For January we released point updates to Horizon 27, Meridian 2020, and Meridian 2019.
Horizon 27.0.3
Horizon 27.0.3 is a minor release with a number of mostly esoteric bug fixes, and a few small enhancements.
The codename for 27.0.3 is Dolphins.
For a high-level overview of what has changed in Horizon 27, see What’s New in OpenNMS Horizon 27.
For a complete list of changes in 27.0.3, see the detailed release notes.
Meridians 2019.1.15 and 2020.1.4
Both Meridian releases had just a few small changes, including a new soft dependency on Haveged.
This has been a recommendation of our support crew for quite a while to speed up launch times and SSL processing, but it had not previously been included as an actual dependency in our packages.
Since RPM added support for Recommmends:
and Suggests:
like Debian packages, we revisited this and added it as an optional dependency.
For a list of changes, see the release notes:
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