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#90DaysOfDevOps Challenge - Day-2 - Basic Linux Commands (1)

Welcome to Day 2 of the #90DaysOfDevOps challenge! Today, I'll be diving into the world of basic Linux commands. These commands are essential for navigating and managing files and directories in a Linux environment. Let's explore some of the most commonly used commands and their examples.

Listing Commands

The ls command is used to list the subdirectories and files available in the present directory. Here's the basic syntax:

ls [option_flag] [arguments]
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Let's look at some examples:

  • ls -l: This command lists files and directories in a long list format, providing extra information such as permissions, owner, size, and modification date.
  • ls -a: It lists all files and directories, including hidden ones that start with a dot (.)
  • ls *.sh: This command lists all files with a .sh extension, helpful when you want to filter files based on a specific pattern.
  • ls -i: It lists files and directories along with their respective index numbers (inodes).
  • ls -d */: This command lists only directories, allowing you to view the directory structure without the files. You can also specify a pattern to narrow down the results.

Directory Commands

  • pwd: The pwd command prints the current working directory, displaying the absolute path of the directory you're currently in.
  • cd path_to_directory: This command changes the current directory to the provided path. For example, cd /home/user/Documents will navigate to the "Documents" directory.
  • cd ~ or just cd: Using cd ~ or simply cd without any arguments takes you to the home directory.
  • cd -: The cd - command allows you to go back to the last working directory you were in.
  • cd ..: This command moves you one step back in the directory structure. It's useful for navigating up one level.
  • cd ../..: You can use cd ../.. to change directory by two levels, moving up twice in the directory hierarchy. mkdir directoryName: The mkdir command is used to create a new directory in a specific location. Here are some examples:
mkdir newFolder               # Creates a new folder named 'newFolder'

mkdir .NewFolder              # Creates a hidden directory (prefixing with a dot)

mkdir A B C D                 # Creates multiple directories at the same time

mkdir /home/user/Mydirectory  # Creates a new folder in a specific location

mkdir -p A/B/C/D              # Creates a nested directory structure

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Congratulations! You've learned some of the basic Linux commands for listing files and directories, navigating through directories, and creating new folders. These commands are the building blocks of your journey towards becoming a DevOps professional.

Stay tuned for Day 3 of the #90DaysOfDevOps challenge, where I'll explore more advanced Linux commands and their practical applications.

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