How to setup CI (Continuous Integration) pipelines for dockerized PHP applications with Github Actions and Gitlab Pipelines
This article appeared first on at CI Pipelines for dockerized PHP Apps with Github & Gitlab [Tutorial Part 7]
In the seventh part of this tutorial series on developing PHP on Docker we will setup a CI (Continuous Integration) pipeline to run code quality tools and tests on Github Actions and Gitlab Pipelines.
All code samples are publicly available in my Docker PHP Tutorial repository on Github. You find the branch for this tutorial at part-7-ci-pipeline-docker-php-gitlab-github.
All published parts of the Docker PHP Tutorial are collected under a dedicated page at Docker PHP Tutorial. The previous part was Use git-secret to encrypt secrets in the repository and the following one is A primer on GCP Compute Instance VMs for dockerized Apps.
If you want to follow along, please subscribe to the RSS feed or via email to get automatic notifications when the next part comes out :)
Table of contents
CI is short for Continuous Integration and to me mostly means running the code quality tools and tests of a codebase in an isolated environment (preferably automatically). This is particularly important when working in a team, because the CI system acts as the final gatekeeper before features or bugfixes are merged into the main branch.
I initially learned about CI systems when I stubbed my toes into the open source water. Back in the day I used Travis CI for my own projects and replaced it with Github Actions at some point. At ABOUT YOU we started out with a self-hosted Jenkins server and then moved on to Gitlab CI as a fully managed solution (though we use custom runners).
Recommended reading
This tutorial builds on top of the previous parts. I'll do my best to cross-reference the corresponding articles when necessary, but I would still recommend to do some upfront reading on:
- the general folder structure, the
update of the
directory and the introduction of a.make/
directory - the general usage of
and it's evolution as well as the connection todocker compose
commands - the concepts of the docker containers and the
docker compose
And as a nice-to-know:
- the setup of PhpUnit for the
make target as well as theqa
make target - the usage of
to handle secret values
In this tutorial I'm going to explain how to make our existing docker setup work with Github Actions and Gitlab CI/CD Pipelines. As I'm a big fan of a "progressive enhancement" approach, we will ensure that all necessary steps can be performed locally through make
. This has the additional benefit of keeping a single source of truth (the Makefile
) which will come in handy when we set up the CI system on two different providers (Github and Gitlab).
The general process will look very similar to the one for local development:
- build the docker setup
- start the docker setup
- run the qa tools
- run the tests
You can see the final results in the CI setup section, including the concrete yml
files and links to the repositories, see
On a code level, we will treat CI as an environment, configured through the env variable ENV
. So far we only used ENV=local
and we will extend that to also use ENV=ci
. The necessary changes are explained after the concrete CI setup instructions in the sections
Try it yourself
To get a feeling for what's going on, you can start by executing the local CI run:
- checkout branch part-7-ci-pipeline-docker-php-gitlab-github
- initialize
- run the
This should give you a similar output as presented in the Execution example.
git checkout part-7-ci-pipeline-docker-php-gitlab-github
# Initialize make
make make-init
# Execute the local CI run
CI setup
General CI notes
Initialize make
for CI
As a very first step we need to "configure" the codebase to operate for the ci
environment. This is done through the make-init
target as explained later in more detail in the Makefile changes section via
make make-init ENVS="ENV=ci TAG=latest EXECUTE_IN_CONTAINER=true GPG_PASSWORD=12345678"
$ make make-init ENVS="ENV=ci TAG=latest EXECUTE_IN_CONTAINER=true GPG_PASSWORD=12345678"
Created a local .make/.env file
ensures that we
is just a simplification for now because we don't do anything with the images yet. In an upcoming tutorial we will push them to a container registry for later usage in production deployments and then set the TAG
to something more meaningful (like the build number).
forces every make
command that uses a RUN_IN_*_CONTAINER
setup to run in a container. This is important, because the Gitlab runner will actually run in a docker container itself. However, this would cause any affected target to omit the $(DOCKER_COMPOSER) exec
is the password for the secret gpg
key as mentioned in Add a password-protected secret gpg
I'll explain the "container is up and running but the underlying service is not" problem for the mysql
service and how we can solve it with a health check later in this article at Adding a health check for mysql
. On purpose, we don't want docker compose
to take care of the waiting because we can make "better use of the waiting time" and will instead implement it ourselves with a simple bash script located at .docker/scripts/
[ -z "$1" ] && echo "Usage example: bash mysql 5 1"
[ -z "$2" ] && max=30
[ -z "$3" ] && interval=1
echo "Waiting for service '$name' to become healthy, checking every $interval second(s) for max. $max times"
while true; do
echo "[$i/$max] ...";
status=$(docker inspect --format "{{json .State.Health.Status }}" "$(docker ps --filter name="$name" -q)")
if echo "$status" | grep -q '"healthy"'; then
echo "SUCCESS";
if [ $i == $max ]; then
echo "FAIL";
exit 1
sleep $interval;
This script waits for a docker $service
to become "healthy" by checking the .State.Health.Status
info of the docker inspect
CAUTION: The script uses $(docker ps --filter name="$name" -q)
to determine the id of the container, i.e. it will "match" all running containers against the $name
- this would fail if there is more than one matching container! I.e. you must ensure that $name
is specific enough to identify one single container uniquely.
The script will check up to $max
times in a interval of $interval
seconds. See these answers on the "How do I write a retry logic in script to keep retrying to run it up to 5 times?" question for the implementation of the retry logic. To check the health of the mysql
service for 5 times with 1 seconds between each try, it can be called via
bash mysql 5 1
$ bash mysql 5 1
Waiting for service 'mysql' to become healthy, checking every 1 second(s) for max. 5 times
[1/5] ...
[2/5] ...
[3/5] ...
[4/5] ...
[5/5] ...
# OR
$ bash mysql 5 1
Waiting for service 'mysql' to become healthy, checking every 1 second(s) for max. 5 times
[1/5] ...
[2/5] ...
The problem of "container dependencies" isn't new and there are already some existing solutions out there, e.g.
But unfortunately all of them operate by checking the availability of a host:port
combination and in the case of mysql
that didn't help, because the container was up, the port was reachable but the mysql
service in the container was not.
Setup for a "local" CI run
As mentioned under Approach, we want to be able to perform all necessary steps locally and I created a corresponding script at
# fail on any error
# @see
set -e
make docker-down ENV=ci || true
start_total=$(date +%s)
cp secret-protected.gpg.example secret.gpg
docker version
docker compose version
cat /etc/*-release || true
make make-init ENVS="ENV=ci TAG=latest EXECUTE_IN_CONTAINER=true GPG_PASSWORD=12345678"
start_docker_build=$(date +%s)
make docker-build
end_docker_build=$(date +%s)
mkdir -p .build && chmod 777 .build
start_docker_up=$(date +%s)
make docker-up
end_docker_up=$(date +%s)
make gpg-init
make secret-decrypt-with-password
# QA
start_qa=$(date +%s)
make qa || FAILED=true
end_qa=$(date +%s)
start_wait_for_containers=$(date +%s)
bash .docker/scripts/ mysql 30 1
end_wait_for_containers=$(date +%s)
start_test=$(date +%s)
make test || FAILED=true
end_test=$(date +%s)
end_total=$(date +%s)
echo "Build docker: " `expr $end_docker_build - $start_docker_build`
echo "Start docker: " `expr $end_docker_up - $start_docker_up `
echo "QA: " `expr $end_qa - $start_qa`
echo "Wait for containers: " `expr $end_wait_for_containers - $start_wait_for_containers`
echo "Tests: " `expr $end_test - $start_test`
echo "---------------------"
echo "Total: " `expr $end_total - $start_total`
# reset the default make variables
make make-init
make docker-down ENV=ci || true
if [ "$FAILED" == "true" ]; then echo "FAILED"; exit 1; fi
echo "SUCCESS"
Run details
- as a preparation step, we first ensure that no outdated
containers are running (this is only necessary locally, because runners on a remote CI system will start "from scratch")
make docker-down ENV=ci || true
- we take some time measurements to understand how long certain parts take via
start_total=$(date +%s)
to store the current timestamp
- we need the secret
key in order to decrypt the secrets and simply copy the password-protected example key (in the actual CI systems the key will be configured as a secret value that is injected in the run)
cp secret-protected.gpg.example secret.gpg
- I like printing some debugging info in order to understand which exact circumstances we're dealing with (tbh, this is mostly relevant when setting the CI system up or making modifications to it)
docker version
docker compose version
cat /etc/*-release || true
- for the docker setup, we start with
initializing the environment for
make make-init ENVS="ENV=ci TAG=latest EXECUTE_IN_CONTAINER=true GPG_PASSWORD=12345678"
then build the docker setup
make docker-build
and finally add a .build/
directory to
collect the build artifacts
mkdir -p .build && chmod 777 .build
- then, the docker setup is started
make docker-up
and gpg
is initialized so that
the secrets can be decrypted
make gpg-init
make secret-decrypt-with-password
We don't need to pass a GPG_PASSWORD
to secret-decrypt-with-password
because we have set
it up in the previous step as a default value via make-init
- once the
container is running, the qa tools are run by invoking theqa
make target
# QA
make qa || FAILED=true
The || FAILED=true
part makes sure that the script will not be terminated if the checks fail.
Instead, the fact that a failure happened is "recorded" in the FAILED
variable so that we
can evaluate it at the end. We don't want the script to stop here because we want the
following steps to be executed as well (e.g. the tests).
- to mitigate the
is not ready" problem, we will now apply the script
bash .docker/scripts/ mysql 30 1
- once
is ready, we can execute the tests via thetest
make target and apply the same|| FAILED=true
workaround as for the qa tools
make test || FAILED=true
- finally, all the timers are printed
echo "Build docker: " `expr $end_docker_build - $start_docker_build`
echo "Start docker: " `expr $end_docker_up - $start_docker_up `
echo "QA: " `expr $end_qa - $start_qa`
echo "Wait for containers: " `expr $end_wait_for_containers - $start_wait_for_containers`
echo "Tests: " `expr $end_test - $start_test`
echo "---------------------"
echo "Total: " `expr $end_total - $start_total`
- we clean up the resources (this is only necessary when running locally, because the runner of a CI system would be shut down anyway)
make make-init
make docker-down ENV=ci || true
- and finally evaluate if any error occurred when running the qa tools or the tests
if [ "$FAILED" == "true" ]; then echo "FAILED"; exit 1; fi
echo "SUCCESS"
Execution example
Executing the script via
yields the following (shortened) output:
$ bash
Container dofroscra_ci-redis-1 Stopping
# Stopping all other `ci` containers ...
# ...
Cloud integration: v1.0.22
Version: 20.10.13
# Print more debugging info ...
# ...
Created a local .make/.env file
ENV=ci TAG=latest DOCKER_NAMESPACE=dofroscra APP_USER_NAME=application APP_GROUP_NAME=application docker compose -p dofroscra_ci --env-file ./.docker/.env -f ./.docker/docker-compose/docker-compose-php-base.yml build php-base
#1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
# Output from building the docker containers
# ...
ENV=ci TAG=latest DOCKER_NAMESPACE=dofroscra APP_USER_NAME=application APP_GROUP_NAME=application docker compose -p dofroscra_ci --env-file ./.docker/.env -f ./.docker/docker-compose/ -f ./.docker/docker-compose/ up -d
Network dofroscra_ci_network Creating
# Starting all `ci` containers ...
# ...
"C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin/make" -s gpg-import GPG_KEY_FILES="secret.gpg"
gpg: directory '/home/application/.gnupg' created
gpg: keybox '/home/application/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' created
gpg: /home/application/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key D7A860BBB91B60C7: public key "Alice Doe protected <>" imported
# Output of importing the secret and public gpg keys
# ...
"C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin/make" -s git-secret ARGS="reveal -f -p 12345678"
git-secret: done. 1 of 1 files are revealed.
"C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin/make" -j 8 -k --no-print-directory --output-sync=target qa-exec NO_PROGRESS=true
phplint done took 4s
phpcs done took 4s
phpstan done took 8s
composer-require-checker done took 8s
Waiting for service 'mysql' to become healthy, checking every 1 second(s) for max. 30 times
[1/30] ...
PHPUnit 9.5.19 #StandWithUkraine
........ 8 / 8 (100%)
Time: 00:03.077, Memory: 28.00 MB
OK (8 tests, 15 assertions)
Build docker: 12
Start docker: 2
QA: 9
Wait for containers: 3
Tests: 5
Total: 46
Created a local .make/.env file
Container dofroscra_ci-application-1 Stopping
Container dofroscra_ci-mysql-1 Stopping
# Stopping all other `ci` containers ...
# ...
Setup for Github Actions
- Repository (branch
) - CI/CD overview (Actions)
- Example of a successful job
- Example of a failed job
If you are completely new to Github Actions, I recommend to start with the official Quickstart Guide for GitHub Actions and the Understanding GitHub Actions article. In short:
- Github Actions are based on so called Workflows
- Workflows are
files that live in the special.github/workflows
directory in the repository
- Workflows are
- a Workflow can contain multiple Jobs
- each Job consists of a series of Steps
each Step needs a
element that represents a command that is executed by a new shell- multi-line commands that should use the same shell are written as
- run : | echo "line 1" echo "line 2"
See also difference between "run |" and multiple runs in github actions
The Workflow file
Github Actions are triggered automatically based on the files in the .github/workflows
directory. I have added the file .github/workflows/ci.yml
with the following content:
name: CI build and test
# automatically run for pull request and for pushes to branch "part-7-ci-pipeline-docker-php-gitlab-github"
# @see
- part-7-ci-pipeline-docker-php-gitlab-github
pull_request: {}
# enable to trigger the action manually
# @see
# CAUTION: there is a known bug that makes the "button to trigger the run" not show up
# @see
workflow_dispatch: {}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- name: start timer
run: |
echo "START_TOTAL=$(date +%s)" > $GITHUB_ENV
run: |
# Note: make sure to wrap the secret in double quotes (")
echo "${{ secrets.GPG_KEY }}" > ./secret.gpg
run : |
# install docker compose
# @see
# @see
mkdir -p $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins
curl -sSL$(uname -m) -o $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
chmod +x $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
- name: DEBUG
run: |
docker compose version
docker --version
cat /etc/*-release
run: |
make make-init ENVS="ENV=ci TAG=latest EXECUTE_IN_CONTAINER=true GPG_PASSWORD=${{ secrets.GPG_PASSWORD }}"
make docker-build
mkdir .build && chmod 777 .build
run: |
make docker-up
make gpg-init
make secret-decrypt-with-password
- name: QA
run: |
# Run the tests and qa tools but only store the error instead of failing immediately
# @see
make qa || echo "FAILED=qa" >> $GITHUB_ENV
run: |
# We need to wait until mysql is available.
bash .docker/scripts/ mysql 30 1
- name: TEST
run: |
make test || echo "FAILED=test $FAILED" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: RUNTIMES
run: |
echo `expr $(date +%s) - $START_TOTAL`
- name: EVALUATE
run: |
# Check if $FAILED is NOT empty
if [ ! -z "$FAILED" ]; then echo "Failed at $FAILED" && exit 1; fi
- name: upload build artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: build-artifacts
path: ./.build
The steps are essentially the same as explained before at Run details for the local run. Some additional notes:
- I want the Action to be triggered automatically only when I
push to branch
OR when a pull request is created (viapull_request
). In addition, I want to be able to trigger the Action manually on any branch (viaworkflow_dispatch
- part-7-ci-pipeline-docker-php-gitlab-github
pull_request: {}
workflow_dispatch: {}
For a real project, I would let the action only run automatically on long-living branches like
or develop
. The manual trigger is helpful if you just want to test your current work
without putting it up for review. CAUTION: There is a
known issue that "hides" the "Trigger workflow" button to trigger the action manually.
- a new shell is started for each
instruction, thus we must store our timer in the "global" environment variable$GITHUB_ENV
- name: start timer
run: |
echo "START_TOTAL=$(date +%s)" > $GITHUB_ENV
This will be the only timer we use, because the job uses multiple steps that are timed
automatically - so we don't need to take timestamps manually:
- the
key is configured as an encrypted secret namedGPG_KEY
and is stored in./secret.gpg
. The value is the content of thesecret-protected.gpg.example
run: |
echo "${{ secrets.GPG_KEY }}" > ./secret.gpg
Secrets are configured in the Github repository under Settings > Secrets > Actions
- the
image doesn't contain thedocker compose
plugin, thus we need to install it manually
run : |
mkdir -p $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins
curl -sSL$(uname -m) -o $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
chmod +x $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
- for the
initialization we need the second secret namedGPG_PASSWORD
- which is configured as12345678
in our case, see Add a password-protected secret gpg key
run: |
make make-init ENVS="ENV=ci TAG=latest EXECUTE_IN_CONTAINER=true GPG_PASSWORD=${{ secrets.GPG_PASSWORD }}"
- because the runner will be shutdown after the run, we need to move the build artifacts to a permanent location, using the actions/upload-artifact@v3 action
- name: upload build artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: build-artifacts
path: ./.build
You can
download the artifacts in the Run overview UI
Setup for Gitlab Pipelines
- Repository (branch
) - CI/CD overview (Pipelines)
- Example of a successful job
- Example of a failed job
If you are completely new to Gitlab Pipelines, I recommend to start with the official Get started with GitLab CI/CD guide. In short:
- the core concept of Gitlab Pipelines is the Pipeline
- it is defined in the
that lives in the root of the repository
- it is defined in the
- a Pipeline can contain multiple Stages
- each Stage consists of a series of Jobs
- each Job contains a
section - the
section consists of a series of shell commands
The .gitlab-ci.yml
pipeline file
Gitlab Pipelines are triggered automatically based on a .gitlab-ci.yml
file located at the root of the repository. It has the following content:
- build_test
QA and Tests:
stage: build_test
# automatically run for pull request and for pushes to branch "part-7-ci-pipeline-docker-php-gitlab-github"
- if: '($CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event" || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "part-7-ci-pipeline-docker-php-gitlab-github")'
# see
image: docker:20.10.12
- name: docker:dind
- start_total=$(date +%s)
- cp $GPG_KEY_FILE ./secret.gpg
- start_install_tools=$(date +%s)
# "curl" is required to download docker compose
- apk add --no-cache make bash curl
# install docker compose
# @see
- mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins/
- curl -sSL -o ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose
- chmod +x ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose
- end_install_tools=$(date +%s)
- docker version
- docker compose version
# show linux distro info
- cat /etc/*-release
# Pass default values to the make-init command - otherwise we would have to pass those as arguments to every make call
- start_docker_build=$(date +%s)
- make docker-build
- end_docker_build=$(date +%s)
- mkdir .build && chmod 777 .build
- start_docker_up=$(date +%s)
- make docker-up
- end_docker_up=$(date +%s)
- make gpg-init
- make secret-decrypt-with-password
## QA
# Run the tests and qa tools but only store the error instead of failing immediately
# @see
- start_qa=$(date +%s)
- make qa ENV=ci || FAILED=true
- end_qa=$(date +%s)
# We need to wait until mysql is available.
- start_wait_for_containers=$(date +%s)
- bash .docker/scripts/ mysql 30 1
- end_wait_for_containers=$(date +%s)
- start_test=$(date +%s)
- make test ENV=ci || FAILED=true
- end_test=$(date +%s)
- end_total=$(date +%s)
- echo "Tools:" `expr $end_install_tools - $start_install_tools`
- echo "Build docker:" `expr $end_docker_build - $start_docker_build`
- echo "Start docker:" `expr $end_docker_up - $start_docker_up `
- echo "QA:" `expr $end_qa - $start_qa`
- echo "Wait for containers:" `expr $end_wait_for_containers - $start_wait_for_containers`
- echo "Tests:" `expr $end_test - $start_test`
- echo "Total:" `expr $end_total - $start_total`
# Use if-else constructs in Gitlab pipelines
# @see
- if [ "$FAILED" == "true" ]; then exit 1; fi
# Save the build artifact, e.g. the JUNIT report.xml file, so we can download it later
# @see
when: always
# the quotes are required
# @see
- ".build/*"
expire_in: 1 week
The steps are essentially the same as explained before under Run details for the local run. Some additional notes:
- we start by defining the stages of the pipeline - though that's currently just one (
- build_test
- then we define the job
QA and Tests
and assign it to thebuild_test
QA and Tests:
stage: build_test
- I want the Pipeline to be triggered automatically only when I
push to branch
OR when a pull request is created Triggering the Pipeline manually on any branch is possible by default.
- if: '($CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event" || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "part-7-ci-pipeline-docker-php-gitlab-github")'
- since we want to build and run docker images, we need to use a docker base image and activate the
service. See Use Docker to build Docker images: Use Docker-in-Docker
image: docker:20.10.12
- name: docker:dind
- we store the secret
key as a secret file (using the "file" type) in the CI/CD variables configuration of the Gitlab repository and move it to./secret.gpg
in order to decrypt the secrets later
- cp $GPG_KEY_FILE ./secret.gpg
Secrets can be configured under Settings > CI/CD > Variables
- the docker base image doesn't come with all required tools, thus we need to install the
missing ones (
anddocker compose
- apk add --no-cache make bash curl
- mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins/
- curl -sSL -o ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose
- chmod +x ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose
- for the initialization of
we use the$GPG_PASSWORD
variable that we defined in the CI/CD settings
Note: I have marked the variable as "masked"
so it won't show up in any logs
- finally, we store the job artifacts
when: always
- ".build/*"
expire_in: 1 week
They can be accessed in the Pipeline overview UI
Performance isn't an issue right now, because the CI runs take only about ~1 min (Github Actions) and ~2 min (Gitlab Pipelines), but that's mostly because we only ship a super minimal application and those times will go up when things get more complex. For the local setup I used all 8 cores of my laptop. The time breakdown is roughly as follows:
Step | Gitlab | Github | local without cache |
local with cached images |
local with cached images + layers |
SETUP TOOLS | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
SETUP DOCKER | 33 | 17 | 39 | 39 | 5 |
START DOCKER | 17 | 11 | 34 | 2 | 1 |
QA | 17 | 5 | 10 | 13 | 1 |
WAIT FOR CONTAINERS | 5 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 13 |
TESTS | 3 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 3 |
total (excl. runner startup) |
78 | 43 | 97 | 70 | 36 |
total (incl. runner startup) |
139 | 54 | 97 | 70 | 36 |
Times taken from
- "CI build and test #83" Github Action run
- "Pipeline #511355192" Gitlab Pipeline run
- "local without cache" via
with no local images at all - "local with cached images" via
with cached images formysql
- "local with cached images + layers" via
with cached images formysql
and a "warm" layer cache for theapplication
Optimizing the performance is out of scope for this tutorial, but I'll at least document my current findings.
The caching problem on CI
A good chunk of time is usually spent on building the docker images. We did our best to optimize the process by leveraging the layer cache and using cache mounts (see section Build stage ci
in the php-base
image). But those steps are futile on CI systems, because the corresponding runners will start "from scratch" for every CI run - i.e. there is no local cache that they could use. In consequence, the full docker setup is also built "from scratch" on every run.
There are ways to mitigate that e.g.
- pushing images to a container registry and pulling them before building the images to leverage
the layer cache via the
option ofdocker compose
- exporting and importing the images as
archives viadocker save
anddocker load
, storing them either in the built-in cache of Github or Gitlab- see also the satackey/action-docker-layer-caching@v0.0.11 Github Action and the official actions/cache@v3 Github Action
- using the
options ofbuildx
But: None of that worked for me out-of-the-box :( We will take a closer look in an upcoming tutorial. Some reading material that I found valuable so far:
- Caching Docker builds in GitHub Actions: Which approach is the fastest? 🤔 A research.
- Caching strategies for CI systems
- Build images on GitHub Actions with Docker layer caching
- Faster CI Builds with Docker Layer Caching and BuildKit
- Image rebase and improved remote cache support in new BuildKit
Docker changes
As a first step we need to decide which containers are required and how to provide the codebase.
Since our goal is running the qa tools and tests, we only need the application
php container. The tests also need a database and a queue, i.e. the mysql
and redis
containers are required as well - whereas nginx
, php-fpm
and php-worker
are not required. We'll handle that through dedicated docker compose
configuration files that only contain the necessary services. This is explained in more detail in section Compose file updates.
In our local setup, we have sheen the host system and docker - mainly because we wanted our changes to be reflected immediately in docker.
This isn't necessary for the CI use case. In fact we want our CI images as close as possible to our production images - and those should "contain everything to run independently". I.e. the codebase should live in the image - not on the host system. This will be explained in section Use the whole codebase as build context.
Compose file updates
We will not only have some differences between the CI docker setup and the local docker setup (=different containers), but also in the configuration of the individual services. To accommodate for that, we will use the following docker compose
config files in the .docker/docker-compose/
:- holds configuration that is valid for
, trying to keep the config files DRY
- holds configuration that is valid for
:- holds configuration that is only valid for
- holds configuration that is only valid for
:- holds configuration that is only valid for
- holds configuration that is only valid for
When using docker compose
we then need to make sure to include only the required files, e.g. for ci
docker compose -f -f
I'll explain the logic for that later in section ENV based docker compose config. In short:
When comparing ci
with local
, for ci
- we don't need to share the codebase with the host system
- we don't need persistent volumes for the redis and mysql data
- mysql:/var/lib/mysql
- redis:/data
- we don't need to share ports with the host system
- "${REDIS_HOST_PORT:-6379}:6379"
- we don't need any settings for local dev tools like
- "seccomp=unconfined"
- host.docker.internal:host-gateway
So all of those config values will only live in the docker-compose.local.yml
In fact, there are only two things that ci
needs that local
- a bind mount to share only the secret gpg key from the host with the
- ${APP_CODE_PATH_HOST?}/secret.gpg:${APP_CODE_PATH_CONTAINER?}/secret.gpg:ro
is required to decrypt the secrets:
[...] the private key has to be named
and put in the root of the codebase,
so that the import can be simplified withmake
The secret files themselves are baked into the image, but the key to decrypt them will be
provided only during runtime and
- a bind mount to share a
folder for build artifacts with theapplication
This will be used to collect any files we want to retain from a build (e.g. code coverage
information, log files, etc.)
Adding a health check for mysql
When running the tests for the first time on a CI system, I noticed some weird errors related to the database:
1) Tests\Feature\App\Http\Controllers\HomeControllerTest::test___invoke with data set "default" (array(), ' <li><a href="?dispatch=fo...></li>')
PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused
As it turned out, the mysql
container itself was up and running - but the mysql
process within the container was not yet ready to accept connections. Locally, this hasn't been a problem, because we usually would not run the tests "immediately" after starting the containers - but on CI this is the case.
Fortunately, docker compose
has us covered here and provides a healtcheck
configuration option:
declares a check that’s run to determine whether or not containers for this service are "healthy".
Since this healthcheck
is also "valid" for local
, I defined it in the combined
# Only mark the service as healthy if mysql is ready to accept connections
# Check every 2 seconds for 30 times, each check has a timeout of 1s
test: mysqladmin ping -h -u $$MYSQL_USER --password=$$MYSQL_PASSWORD
timeout: 1s
retries: 30
interval: 2s
The script in test
was taken from SO: Docker-compose check if mysql connection is ready.
When starting the docker setup, docker ps
will now add a health info to the STATUS
$ make docker-up
$ docker ps
b509eb2f99c0 dofroscra/application-ci:latest Up 1 seconds dofroscra_ci-application-1
503e52fd9e68 mysql:8.0.28 Up 1 seconds (health: starting) dofroscra_ci-mysql-1
# a couple of seconds later
$ docker ps
b509eb2f99c0 dofroscra/application-ci:latest Up 13 seconds dofroscra_ci-application-1
503e52fd9e68 mysql:8.0.28 Up 13 seconds (healthy) dofroscra_ci-mysql-1
Note the (health: starting)
and (healthy)
infos for the mysql
We can also get this info from docker inspect
(used by our script) via:
$ docker inspect --format "{{json .State.Health.Status }}" dofroscra_ci-mysql-1
FYI: We could also use the depends_on
property with a condition: service_healthy
on the application
container so that docker compose
would only start the container once the mysql
service is healthy:
condition: service_healthy
However, this would "block" the make docker-up
until mysql
is actually up and running. In our case this is not desirable, because we can do "other stuff" in the meantime (namely: run the qa
checks, because they don't require a database) and thus save a couple of seconds on each CI run.
Build target: ci
We've already introduced build targets in Environments and build targets and how to "choose" them through make
with the ENV
variable defined in a shared .make/.env
file. Short recap:
- create a
file viamake make-init
that contains theENV
, e.g.
- the
file is included in the mainMakefile
, making theENV
variables available tomake
configure a
variable that passes theENV
as an environment variable, i.e. via
ENV=$(ENV) docker-compose
- use the
variable in thedocker compose
configuration file to determine
property. E.g. in.docker/docker-compose/docker-compose-php-base.yml
target: ${ENV?}
- in the
of a service, define theENV
as a build stage. E.g. in.docker/images/php/base/Dockerfile
FROM base as ci
# ...
So to enable the new ci
environment, we need to modify the Dockerfiles for the php-base
and the application
Build stage ci
in the php-base
Use the whole codebase as build context
As mentioned in section Docker changes we want to "bake" the codebase into the ci
image of the php-base
Thus, we must change the context
property in .docker/docker-compose/docker-compose-php-base.yml
to not only use the .docker/
directory but instead the whole codebase. I.e. "dont use ../
but ../../
# File: .docker/docker-compose/docker-compose-php-base.yml
# pass the full codebase to docker for building the image
context: ../../
Build the dependencies
The composer dependencies must be set up in the image as well, so we introduce a new stage stage in .docker/images/php/base/Dockerfile
. The most trivial solution would look like this:
- copy the whole codebase
- run
composer install
FROM base as ci
COPY . /codebase
RUN composer install --no-scripts --no-plugins --no-progress -o
However, this approach has some downsides:
- if any file in the codebase changes, the
COPY . /codebase
layer will be invalidated. I.e. docker could not use the layer cache which also means that every layer afterwards cannot use the cache as well. In consequence thecomposer install
would run every time - even when thecomposer.json
file doesn't change. -
itself uses a cache for storing dependencies locally so it doesn't have to download dependencies that haven't changed. But since we runcomposer install
in Docker, this cache would be "thrown away" every time a build finishes. To mitigate that, we can use--mount=type=cache
to define a directory that docker will re-use between builds: > Contents of the cache directories persists between builder invocations without invalidating > the instruction cache.
Keeping those points in mind, we end up with the following instructions:
# File: .docker/images/php/base/Dockerfile
# ...
FROM base as ci
# By only copying the composer files required to run composer install
# the layer will be cached and only invalidated when the composer dependencies are changed
COPY ./composer.json /dependencies/
COPY ./composer.lock /dependencies/
# use a cache mount to cache the composer dependencies
# this is essentially a cache that lives in Docker BuildKit (i.e. has nothing to do with the host system)
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/tmp/.composer \
cd /dependencies && \
# COMPOSER_HOME=/tmp/.composer sets the home directory of composer that
# also controls where composer looks for the cache
# so we don't have to download dependencies again (if they are cached)
COMPOSER_HOME=/tmp/.composer composer install --no-scripts --no-plugins --no-progress -o
# copy the full codebase
COPY . /codebase
RUN mv /dependencies/vendor /codebase/vendor && \
cd /codebase && \
# remove files we don't require in the image to keep the image size small
rm -rf .docker/ && \
# we need a git repository for git-secret to work (can be an empty one)
git init
FYI: The COPY . /codebase
step doesn't actually copy "everything in the repository", because we have also introduced a .dockerignore
file to exclude some files from being included in the build context - see section .dockerignore
Some notes on the final RUN
rm -rf .docker/
doesn't really save "that much" in the current setup - please take it more as an example to remove any files that shouldn't end up in the final image (e.g. "tests in a production image") - the
git init
part is required because we need to decrypt the secrets later - andgit-secret
requires agit
repository (which can be empty). We can't decrypt the secrets during the build, because we do not want decrypted secret files to end up in the image.
When tested locally, the difference between the trivial solution and the one that makes use of layer caching is ~35 seconds, see the results in the Performance section.
Create the final image
As a final step, we will rename the current stage to codebase
and copy the "build artifact" from that stage into our final ci
build stage:
FROM base as codebase
# build the composer dependencies and clean up the copied files
# ...
FROM base as ci
COPY --from=codebase --chown=$APP_USER_NAME:$APP_GROUP_NAME /codebase $APP_CODE_PATH
Why are we not just using the previous stage directly as ci
Because using multistage-builds is a good practice to keep the final layers of an image to a minimum: Everything that "happened" in the previous codebase
stage will be "forgotten", i.e. not exported as layers.
That does not only save us some layers, but also allows us to get rid of files like the .docker/
directory. We needed that directory in the build context because some files where required in other parts of the Dockerfile
(e.g. the php ini files), so we can't exclude it via .dockerignore
. But we can remove it in the codebase
stage - so it will NOT be copied over and thus not end up in the final image. If we wouldn't have the codebase
stage, the folder would be part of the layer created when COPY
ing all the files from the build context and removing it via rm -rf .docker/
would have no effect on the image size.
Currently, that doesn't really matter, because the building step is super simple (just a composer install
) - but in a growing and more complex codebase you can easily save a couple MB.
To be concrete, the multistage build has 31 layers and the final layer containing the codebase has a size of 65.1MB.
$ docker image history -H dofroscra/application-ci
d778c2ee8d5e 17 minutes ago COPY /codebase /var/www/app # buildkit 65.1MB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 17 minutes ago WORKDIR /var/www/app 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 17 minutes ago COPY /usr/bin/composer /usr/local/bin/compos… 2.36MB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 17 minutes ago COPY ./.docker/images/php/base/.bashrc /root… 395B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 17 minutes ago COPY ./.docker/images/php/base/.bashrc /home… 395B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 17 minutes ago COPY ./.docker/images/php/base/conf.d/zz-app… 196B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 17 minutes ago COPY ./.docker/images/php/base/conf.d/zz-app… 378B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 17 minutes ago RUN |8 APP_USER_ID=10000 APP_GROUP_ID=10001 … 1.28kB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 17 minutes ago RUN |8 APP_USER_ID=10000 APP_GROUP_ID=10001 … 41MB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ADD… 451B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago RUN |8 APP_USER_ID=10000 APP_GROUP_ID=10001 … 62.1MB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ADD… 450B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago RUN |8 APP_USER_ID=10000 APP_GROUP_ID=10001 … 4.74kB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ENV ENV=ci 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ENV ALPINE_VERSION=3.15 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ENV TARGET_PHP_VERSION=8.1 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ENV APP_CODE_PATH=/var/www/app 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ENV APP_GROUP_NAME=application 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ENV APP_USER_NAME=application 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ENV APP_GROUP_ID=10001 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ENV APP_USER_ID=10000 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ARG ENV 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ARG ALPINE_VERSION 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ARG TARGET_PHP_VERSION 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ARG APP_CODE_PATH 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ARG APP_GROUP_NAME 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ARG APP_USER_NAME 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ARG APP_GROUP_ID 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 18 minutes ago ARG APP_USER_ID 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 2 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"] 0B
<missing> 2 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:5d673d25da3a14ce1… 5.57MB
The non-multistage build has 32 layers and the final layer(s) containing the codebase have a combined size of 65.15MB (60.3MB + 4.85MB).
$ docker image history -H dofroscra/application-ci
94ba50438c9a 2 minutes ago RUN /bin/sh -c COMPOSER_HOME=/tmp/.composer … 60.3MB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 2 minutes ago COPY . /var/www/app # buildkit 4.85MB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago WORKDIR /var/www/app 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago COPY /usr/bin/composer /usr/local/bin/compos… 2.36MB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago COPY ./.docker/images/php/base/.bashrc /root… 395B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago COPY ./.docker/images/php/base/.bashrc /home… 395B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago COPY ./.docker/images/php/base/conf.d/zz-app… 196B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago COPY ./.docker/images/php/base/conf.d/zz-app… 378B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago RUN |8 APP_USER_ID=10000 APP_GROUP_ID=10001 … 1.28kB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago RUN |8 APP_USER_ID=10000 APP_GROUP_ID=10001 … 41MB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ADD… 451B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago RUN |8 APP_USER_ID=10000 APP_GROUP_ID=10001 … 62.1MB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ADD… 450B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago RUN |8 APP_USER_ID=10000 APP_GROUP_ID=10001 … 4.74kB buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ENV ENV=ci 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ENV ALPINE_VERSION=3.15 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ENV TARGET_PHP_VERSION=8.1 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ENV APP_CODE_PATH=/var/www/app 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ENV APP_GROUP_NAME=application 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ENV APP_USER_NAME=application 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ENV APP_GROUP_ID=10001 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ENV APP_USER_ID=10000 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ARG ENV 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ARG ALPINE_VERSION 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ARG TARGET_PHP_VERSION 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ARG APP_CODE_PATH 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ARG APP_GROUP_NAME 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ARG APP_USER_NAME 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ARG APP_GROUP_ID 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 31 minutes ago ARG APP_USER_ID 0B buildkit.dockerfile.v0
<missing> 2 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"] 0B
<missing> 2 days ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:5d673d25da3a14ce1… 5.57MB
Again: It is expected that the differences aren't big, because the only size savings come from the .docker/
directory with a size of ~70kb.
$ du -hd 0 .docker
73K .docker
Finally, we are also using the --chown
option of the RUN
instruction to ensure that the files have the correct permissions.
Build stage ci
in the application
There is actually "nothing" to be done here. We don't need SSH any longer because it is only required for the SSH Configuration of PhpStorm. So the build stage is simply "empty":
FROM ${BASE_IMAGE} as base
FROM base as ci
FROM base as local
# ...
Though there is one thing to keep in mind: In the local
image we used sshd
as the entrypoint, i.e. we had a long running process that would keep the container running. To keep the ci
application container running, we must
- start it via the
flag ofdocker compose
(already done in themake docker-up
.PHONY: docker-up
docker-up: validate-docker-variables
allocate a
viatty: true
tty: true
The .dockerignore
file is located in the root of the repository and ensures that certain files are kept out of the Docker build context
. This will
- speed up the build (because less files need to be transmitted to the docker daemon)
- keep images smaller (because irrelevant files are kept out of the image)
The syntax is quite similar to the .gitignore
file - in fact I've found it to be quite often the case that the contents of the .gitignore
file are a subset of the .dockerignore
file. This makes kinda sense, because you typically wouldn't want files that are excluded from the repository to end up in a docker image (e.g. unencrypted secret files). This has also been noticed by others, see e.g.
- Reddit: Any way to copy .gitignore contents to .dockerignore
- SO: Should .dockerignore typically be a superset of .gitignore?
but to my knowledge there is currently (2022-04-24) no way to "keep the two files in sync".
CAUTION: The behavior between the two files is NOT identical! The documentation says
Matching is done using Go’s filepath.Match rules. A preprocessing step removes leading and
trailing whitespace and eliminates . and .. elements using Go’s filepath.Clean. Lines that are blank after preprocessing are ignored.Beyond Go’s filepath.Match rules, Docker also supports a special wildcard string ** that
matches any number of directories (including zero). For example, **/*.go will exclude all
files that end with .go that are found in all directories, including the root of the build context.Lines starting with ! (exclamation mark) can be used to make exceptions to exclusions.
Please note the part regarding **\*.go
: In .gitignore
it would be sufficient to write .go
to match any file that contains .go
, regardless of the directory. In .dockerignore
you must specify it as **/*.go
In our case, the content of the .dockerignore
file looks like this:
# gitignore
**/*.env .idea .phpunit.result.cache vendor/
secret.gpg .gitsecret/keys/random_seed .gitsecret/keys/pubring.kbx~
!*.secret passwords.txt .build
# additionally ignored files .git ```
<!-- generated -->
<a id='makefile-changes'> </a>
<!-- /generated -->
## Makefile changes
<!-- generated -->
<a id='initialize-the-shared-variables'> </a>
<!-- /generated -->
### Initialize the shared variables
We have introduced the concept of [shared variables via `.make/.env`](
previously. It allows us to **define variables in one place** (=single source
of truth) that are then used as "defaults" so we **don't have to define them explicitly** when
invoking certain `make` targets (like `make docker-build`). We'll make use of this concept by
setting the environment to `ci`via`ENV=ci` and thus making sure that all docker commands use
`ci` "automatically" as well.
In addition, I made a small modification by **introducing a second file at `.make/variables.env`**
that is also included in the main `Makefile` and **holds the "default" shared variables**. Those
are neither "secret" nor are they likely to be changed for environment adjustments. The file
is NOT ignored by `.gitignore` and is basically just the previous `.make/.env.example` file without
the environment specific variables:
# File .make/variables.env
The .make/.env
file is still .gitignore
d and can be initialized with the make-init
target using the ENVS
which would create a .make/.env
file with the content
If necessary, we could also override variables defined in the .make/variables.env
file, because the .make/.env
is included last in the Makefile
# File: Makefile
# ...
# include the default variables
include .make/variables.env
# include the local variables
-include .make/.env
The default value for ENVS
is ENV=local TAG=latest
to retain the same default behavior as before when ENVS
is omitted. The corresponding make-init
target is defined in the main Makefile
and now looks like this:
ENVS?=ENV=local TAG=latest
.PHONY: make-init
make-init: ## Initializes the local .makefile/.env file with ENV variables for make. Use via ENVS="KEY_1=value1 KEY_2=value2"
@$(if $(ENVS),,$(error ENVS is undefined))
@rm -f .make/.env
for variable in $(ENVS); do \
echo $$variable | tee -a .make/.env > /dev/null 2>&1; \
@echo "Created a local .make/.env file"
ENV based docker compose
As mentioned in section Compose file updates we need to select the "correct" docker compose
configuration files based on the ENV
value. This is done in .make/
# File .make/
# ...
# we need to "assemble" the correct combination of docker-compose.yml config files
ifeq ($(ENV),ci)
else ifeq ($(ENV),local)
When we now take a look at a full recipe when using ENV=ci
with a docker target (e.g. docker-up
), we can see that the correct files are chosen, e.g.
$ make docker-up ENV=ci -n
ENV=ci TAG=latest DOCKER_NAMESPACE=dofroscra APP_USER_NAME=application APP_GROUP_NAME=application docker compose -p dofroscra_ci --env-file ./.docker/.env -f ./.docker/docker-compose/ -f ./.docker/docker-compose/ up -d
# =>
# -f ./.docker/docker-compose/
# -f ./.docker/docker-compose/
Codebase changes
Add a test for encrypted files
We've introduced git-secret
in the previous tutorial Use git-secret to encrypt secrets in the repository and used it to store the file passwords.txt
encrypted in the codebase. To make sure that the decryption works as expected on the CI systems, I've added a test at tests/Feature/EncryptionTest.php
to check if the file exists and if the content is correct.
class EncryptionTest extends TestCase
public function test_ensure_that_the_secret_passwords_file_was_decrypted()
$pathToSecretFile = __DIR__."/../../passwords.txt";
$expected = "my_secret_password\n";
$actual = file_get_contents($pathToSecretFile);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
Of course this doesn't make sense in a "real world scenario", because the secret value would now be exposed in a test - but it suffices for now as proof of a working secret decryption.
Add a password-protected secret gpg
I've mentioned in Scenario: Decrypt file that it is also possible to use a password-protected secret gpg
key for an additional layer of security. I have created such a key and stored it in the repository at secret-protected.gpg.example
(in a "real world scenario" I wouldn't do that - but since this is a public tutorial I want you to be able to follow along completely). The password for that key is 12345678
The corresponding public key is located at .dev/gpg-keys/alice-protected-public.gpg
and belongs to the email address
. I've added this email address and re-encrypted the secrets afterwards via
make gpg-init
make secret-add-user EMAIL=""
make secret-encrypt
When I now import the secret-protected.gpg.example
key, I can decrypt the secrets, though I cannot use the usual secret-decrypt
target but must instead use secret-decrypt-with-password
make secret-decrypt-with-password GPG_PASSWORD=12345678
or store the GPG_PASSWORD
in the .make/.env
file when it is initialized for CI
make make-init ENVS="ENV=ci TAG=latest EXECUTE_IN_CONTAINER=true GPG_PASSWORD=12345678"
make secret-decrypt-with-password
Create a JUnit report from PhpUnit
I've added the --log-junit
option to the phpunit
configuration of the test
make target in order to create an XML report in the .build/
directory in the .make/
# File: .make/
# ...
PHPUNIT_CMD=php vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUNIT_ARGS= -c phpunit.xml --log-junit .build/report.xml
I.e. each run of the tests will now create a Junit XML report at .build/report.xml
. The file is used as an example of a build artifact, i.e. "something that we would like to keep" from a CI run.
Wrapping up
Congratulations, you made it! If some things are not completely clear by now, don't hesitate to leave a comment. You should now have a working CI pipeline for Github (via Github Actions) and/or Gitlab (via Gitlab pipelines) that runs automatically on each push.
In the next part of this tutorial, we will create a VM on GCP and provision it to run dockerized applications.
Please subscribe to the RSS feed or via email to get automatic notifications when this next part comes out :)
Top comments (3)
Feedback appreciated :)
Just what I needed. There is so many tutorials that use the native PHP Github Actions but only very few that use plain docker 👍
Glad you found it helpful!