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Applying to the MLH Fellowship: Tips & Tricks

Pawan Kolhe on January 23, 2021

It was a Tuesday morning, and for once I got up early. I picked up my phone and scrolled through my emails, trying to spot one from MLH. To my surp...
walter11 profile image
Atharv-777 β€’

Found it really helpful and informative. Had doubts before but after reading this article got a relief of what to do(how to prepare for the questions) and be ready for the interview. Thanks a lot @pawankolhe

nnamdroid12 profile image
William Nnamani β€’

Please I am about applying for MLH fellowship for the section where it's demanding github and linkedin profile link I am submitting my github and linkedin profile link but it's giving invalid I went forward to copy those link from my profile yet same error displaying . Please how can it be solved?

krajat19 profile image
Rajat β€’

In case if you are giving whole link
give username of github and user-id of linkedin instead of giving whole link.

debugagrawal profile image
Deepak Vijay Agrawal β€’

This Blog is really great Pawan,πŸ™ŒπŸš€

literally everything is mentioned so precisely and perfectly along with the timelines and the video and all the tracks πŸ’―πŸš€πŸ€˜βœ¨

pawankolhe profile image
Pawan Kolhe β€’

Thanks! 😊
Very glad you liked it πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

mustafaadel profile image
Mustafa Adel Zakaria β€’

I have a question
I'm qualified to to have the first interview and they asked me to read my application again to prepare but I can't remember what I wrote in my application and can't find a way to access it.
Can anyone tell me where can I find my submitted application?

somya51p profile image
Somya Prajapati β€’

I found this blog really informative and helpful. Thank you for sharing your experience :)

ruhi2820 profile image
ruhi2820 β€’

This is really helpful specially for the ones who are looking forward to apply for the MLH fellowship

yashkamboj profile image
YashKamboj β€’

really liked it very helpfull

pawankolhe profile image
Pawan Kolhe β€’

Awesome. Happy it helped πŸ˜„

krajat19 profile image
Rajat β€’

Found its really helpful !
Thanks for sharing this

pda profile image
Precious Abubakar β€’

This was helpful, thank you.

crony10 profile image
crony10 β€’

hey @pawankolhe can you please tell that from where you got the statistics of number of applications received in MLH?

lordneo profile image
Someshwar Tripathi β€’

Fellowship experience blog please!

udoka033 profile image
Kasie Udoka Success β€’

Thank you for sharing. This is helpful.
Must the project/code base be in vanilla JavaScript, or can I use a react project?

shahiscoding profile image
Abhishek shah β€’

Are there any other Programs like this to apply to ??

imkrunal39 profile image
Krunal Suthar β€’

Stipend is for all tracks or only some tracks? Means if i select any track. Will i get stipend?

tanvi029 profile image
tanvi029 β€’

I needed to know, if I have job experience with java but I am applying for open source contributions in python, then will my job experience count while applying. Should I even mention it?

gaurav3435 profile image
Gaurav Patil β€’

Thanks for the info! Really helpful.

akshayjain07 profile image
akshayjain07 β€’

Hii sir,
My one doubt left how much stipend would i get and after how many months of completion of mlh fellowship

aashrut profile image
Aashrut Vaghani β€’

Thank you for this informative article.πŸ‘