Latest episodes

XM Cyber's Tamar Stern - A Whole New World Of The SDLC
The Production-First Mindset,
Transmit Security's Orit Yaron - Making New Mistakes
The Production-First Mindset,
Cherre's Stefan Thorpe - Heading Straight For The Cloud
The Production-First Mindset,
Deepchecks's Shir Chorev - Where The Machine Learning Part Comes In
The Production-First Mindset,
Sentra's Ron Reiter - The Importance of Usefulness
The Production-First Mindset,
Lawgeex's Julia Shub - The Importance of Processes
The Production-First Mindset,
Doordash's Sudeeptha Jothiprakash - Where The Powerhouses Of Containers And Serverless Come In
The Production-First Mindset,'s Hila Fish - Doing Something With Your Data
The Production-First Mindset,
Netsertive's Herb Brittner - Going Beyond The Cookie Cutter
The Production-First Mindset,
Box's Tamar Bercovici - The North Star Of Your System
The Production-First Mindset,
Rookout's Dudi Cohen - How To Live In The Debugging Moment
The Production-First Mindset,
Riskified's Boris Cherkasky - Getting Comfortable In Production
The Production-First Mindset,
Oribi's Eynav Mass - Being Accountable From End to End
The Production-First Mindset,
Munch CTO, Peter Naftaliev - Interacting With A System
The Production-First Mindset,
Fidelity Investment's Jin Chun - Drinking The Scrum Kool Aid
The Production-First Mindset,
Vonage's Amitha Pulijala - Anticipating The Unanticipated
The Production-First Mindset,
Aspectiva's Victoriya Kalmanovich - Operating NLP At Scale
The Production-First Mindset,
Anton Drukh - The Definition of Done
The Production-First Mindset,
Jeff Davis - Automation Will Set Our Minds Free
The Production-First Mindset,'s Dotan Horovits - Putting The Spotlight On Observability
The Production-First Mindset,
DraftKings's Idan Fridman - Survival Instinct In Startups
The Production-First Mindset,
Or Hiltch, JLL Technologies - Looking Beyond The Bottom Line
The Production-First Mindset,
Indeni's Alon Ashkenazi - The Next-Gen of Infrastructure As Code
The Production-First Mindset,
JP Beaudry, CTO of 2U - Facing The Daily Crisis
The Production-First Mindset,
Barak Yoresh, Lightricks - How To Have Pager Duty And Never Get Paged
The Production-First Mindset,
Appsflyer's Nir Rubinstein - Databases, Databases Everywhere
The Production-First Mindset,
Jobvite's Ron Teeter - Own Your Code With Fullstack Observability
The Production-First Mindset,
Michael Gillett - Shifting Dev Mindsets
The Production-First Mindset,
Slack's Suman Karumuri - The Journey To Being A Founder Of Modern Tracing
The Production-First Mindset,