Stanislav Polimac
Database mole living in Belgrade, Serbia. In love with SQL but having escalating affair with Python.

Six Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least six years.

Five Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least five years.

Four Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least four years.

Three Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least three years.

Two Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least two years.

One Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least one year.
SQL - last couple of years working with MSSQL Server, occasionally rubbing off of MySQL, barely remember Oracle ecosystem, but looking at a Postgres-flooded future. :)
Currently learning
In early 2018 I became a part of a data science team and have been grinding Python since. I fell in love with Python! Looking forward to things coming my way!
Currently hacking on
I am trying to make myself efficient enough to start handling data with Python and the plan is to complement this knowledge with Jango or any other Python based web framework that will allow me to walk full circle from handling data to building user interface for using this data.
Available for
I am happy to help anyone with database design or programming, SQL code or db logic. If I know it, I will share it. Share your knowledge, people!
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