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Why should one write?

Caution: Who should read this post? People who are wondering why should you start blogging should go ahead.

I have been thinking for a long, why should I write any technical blog when there is already plenty of it?

You know, there are several songs on the same topic "Love", "Affair", "Heartbreak" and "Life" etc.
There are several blogs on "Java", "Threads", "Redis", "Individual contribution", "Python vs Go" and whatnot.

But why should there be several sites like,, and others? Why they are popular too? Isn’t one site enough? Isn’t one official doc enough? Why there is so much content creation on the same topics and still the world is crazy for it?

Why is this tradition not getting old? Why are songs with the same feeling keep publishing? Although all have the same context.

The answer lies in the question only. See in this world, people were attending "Satsang" and they are and they will be in the future too. And you will be surprised to know that speaker explains the same book each time.

Because Every song, every speaker, every content creator, every writer, and every philosopher has his own style. People can’t survive on one singer, one lyricist, one content creator, and one poet. And they admire a few of them as per their preferences.

This way we have healthy competition too and monopoly is avoided. So keep writing, even if it is not so perfect. Why? Because doing the same habit every day will make you addicted to it.
you should not only write to influence others or to be popular or to build your network but to better describe yourself, to improve yourself, and to learn more in new ways. The prior impacts would be on your side.

Feel free to comment to add your thoughts to this topic. I would be more happy to learn more.

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