Parth Desai
I am here to post what I know and learn what I don't.
Institute of Technology, Nirma University
Data Engineer at Accenture

Four Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least four years.

Three Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least three years.

Two Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least two years.

One Year Club
This badge celebrates the longevity of those who have been a registered member of the DEV Community for at least one year.
GitHub Repositories
🚀 My personal blog made with Tailwind CSS and NextJS. Template from Timlrx. Feel free to fork, follow and use.
JavaScript • 278 stars
Instant MD is an Investigation, Medication and Chief complaint recognition application using NLP
HTML • 2 stars
Stock portfolio management system built with Django by Parth Desai, Nirav Madhani and Parth Panchal
Python • 2 stars
A real time Django chat application using Channels and Vanilla Javascript with Web Sockets
Python • 1 star
Salary Prediction App made with StreamLit (The site will take a few minutes to load)
Jupyter Notebook • 1 star
Predicting the number of shares based on how popular the article is.
Jupyter Notebook
Clean and simple to-do list application made with Django framework.
Python | Numpy
Currently learning
Machine Learning