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Rajika Imal
Rajika Imal

Posted on

Run GitHub Actions locally

GitHub Actions are a great way to run continuous integration and continuous deployment tasks. Actions are defined using YAML files and there are tons of existing ones which you can use to develop a pipeline. However Actions should be run on GitHub to know the output, which means at development it is not possible to run Actions and test them.

act provides a way to run Actions locally. This simplifies the development of actions and running them locally. Therefore this gives faster feedback for the developer.


$ brew install nektos/tap/act #for macOS
$ curl | sudo bash
$ choco install act-cli #for choco
$ scoop install act #for scoop
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Make sure you have Actions defined in .github/workflows/ directory

To confirm this run,

$ act -l
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To run all

$ act
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To run a specific job, use -j flag,

$ act -j test
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To invoke an event,

$ act pull request
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The complete list of flags are available here.

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