Introduction to JavaScript DOM
DOM (Document Object Model): It represents the HTML document structure in a tree-like format. Each element in the HTML becomes a node in the DOM.
Importance: DOM allows JavaScript to interact with and manipulate the structure, style, and content of a webpage.
1. Selecting DOM Elements document.
Methods to select elements:
document.getElementById('id'); // Selects an element by its id
document.getElementsByClassName('class'); // Selects all elements with the specified class
document.getElementsByTagName('tag'); // Selects all elements with the specified tag
document.querySelector('selector'); // Selects the first element that matches a CSS selector
document.querySelectorAll('selector'); // Selects all elements matching a CSS selector
2. Manipulating Elements
//Changing content
element.textContent = 'new content'; // Changes the text inside an element
element.innerHTML = '<p>new HTML</p>'; // Inserts HTML into an element
// Modifying attributes
element.setAttribute('attribute', 'value'); // Sets an attribute's value
element.getAttribute('attribute'); // Retrieves the value of an attribute
element.removeAttribute('attribute'); // Removes an attribute
// Styling elements = 'value'; // Changes an element's inline CSS
3.Working with Classes
Adding/Removing/Toggling classes:
element.classList.add('className'); // Adds a class to an element
element.classList.remove('className'); // Removes a class from an element
element.classList.toggle('className'); // Toggles a class on or off
4.Creating and Removing Elements
// Creating elements
let newDiv = document.createElement('div');
// Creates a new div element
element.appendChild(newDiv); // Adds a new element to the DOM
element.insertBefore(newElement, referenceElement); // Inserts an element before another
// Removing elements
element.remove(); // Removes an element from the DOM
parent.removeChild(child); // Removes a child element from its parent
5.Event Handling
// Adding events
button.addEventListener('click',function() {
alert('Button clicked!');
// Removing events
button.removeEventListener('click', eventHandler);
Common event types:
click, mouseover, mouseout, keydown, keyup, load, scroll, etc.
6.Event Object and Delegation
// Event Object
element.addEventListener('click',function(event) {
console.log(; // Logs the clicked element
// Event Delegation
parentElement.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
if ('childClass')) {
console.log('Child clicked!');
7.Forms and Input
let form = document.forms['formName']; // Accessing a form by name
let input = form.elements['inputName']; // Accessing an input field by name
console.log(input.value); // Retrieving the input value
8.Local Storage & Session Storage
//Local Storage
localStorage.setItem('key', 'value'); // Stores data
let value = localStorage.getItem('key'); // Retrieves stored data
localStorage.removeItem('key'); // Deletes stored data
localStorage.clear(); // Clears all stored data
// Session Storage
sessionStorage.setItem('key', 'value'); // Stores data for the session
let sessionValue = sessionStorage.getItem('key');
// Retrieves session data
sessionStorage.removeItem('key'); // Deletes session data
sessionStorage.clear(); // Clears all session data
9. Fetching Data with Async/Await
// Fetching data from an API using Promises
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data));
// Using async/await for fetching data.
async function fetchData() {
const response = await fetch('');
const data = await response.json();
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