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Jokes on My First Project

this week was our first project. On our own we are required to create our own website that fetched data from an API.

I decided on a joke generator (, more like corny dad jokes but I like it. Starting the project was easy, I planned out the design of the website first. Grabbed a color scheme from this site and started creating divs in my html file.
Do you where it started to get complicated? When i tried to center a div. It took me hours to figure out how to do it but it was my own design flaw. Once that got resolve I started working on the fetch.

Hours of troubleshooting and googling later i managed to fetch the data and display the search results. All in all this was fun. I love solving puzzles and figuring this out really pushed my to learn and implement what i learned.

What did i learn? Better naming for my variables. I got very annoying during the fetch process and named one fjoke. Another one is adding comments to better explain my code. For my first project Im proud of it. Enjoy!

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