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IST 256 Week 7 Homework

What is confusing about platforms?

With each kind of language you get into this different mindset that you know what to expect in terms of syntax, inheritance, declaration, statically/dynamically typed. With JS its the same idea except each of these platforms are like completely separate language all just through the use of importing packages. It's really confusing for a beginner.

How could web components and VanillaJS standards be taught in a way that is more approachable?

With IST specifically I think a more approachable methodology would try to correlate both to Java as a language in general. Java is the language that students literally have to be semi competent in. Learning three new languages can be daunting but showing the similarities between the two can help the process along.

What did you find easiest to work with on 1st stab? (You don't have to say web components, this is an honest take, if it was Vue cool, but justify it)

VanillaJS absolutely. I am most comfortable with Java as a language in general so working with Vanilla I can see the immediate similarities and use my knowledge of Java to help myself code.

Think back on the tooling. What parts were confusing? What clicked with you immediately?

Haha, nothing. The trace of how everything works is extremely confusing. It's hard to follow and doesn't really make any sense. So I more or less just asked what Bryan said to do and called it a day.

What additional readings did you have to do in order to make sense of things.

Lots of Fireship videos, youtube videos in general, stack overflow, mozilla docs, chatGPT

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