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The Ultimate Tech Stack for Startups in 2025

Rayen Mabrouk on December 27, 2024

As the tech landscape evolves, choosing the right tech stack is like picking the perfect recipe for success. At Evowave, we’ve crafted a tech stack...
sokol8 profile image
Kostiantyn Sokolinskyi • Edited

All good stuff until it’s not.
Next.js is fantastic yet we faced some issues with it.
1) if you host with Vercel all is fantastic until you start getting sky high bills. You can self host then but the migration can be costly
2) when self hosting memory leaks has been a major issue for us

  • next.js cache is leaky under certain circumstances;
  • undock was leaky and it cost us days to find proper node version
  • SSR can be leaky We have leaks on and off between releases and frankly stopped trying to isolate them just waiting until server is rebooted. Vercel devs doesn’t care about those leaks on GitHub discussions - maybe because they are paid by their hosting services which accrue extra $$ when memory leaks :)

I wonder what supabase bill would be for a relatively successful project. I ended up running away from Firebase to full blown GCP setup after years of pain

Nest.js is sleek yet you need a comparatively high level of experience to work with it properly. And it’s pretty slow among Node.js frameworks- one of the slowest in fact. But lots of good features

I wonder what is your experience with running projects on this tech stack in Production and what hosting setups you used and what bills your clients had to foot .

rayenmabrouk profile image
Rayen Mabrouk

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Regarding NextJs, we’ve been running it in Docker on a VM (4-16gb of ram dpanding on the project), and it’s been working really well for us, except for occasional quirks. Since we don’t have SSR-heavy applications, it handles up to 200–300 concurrent users reliably.
As for Supabase, their $25 subscription covers most of our projects, and when we exceed that, we migrate to a self-hosted instance with Docker. The migration process is seamless, thanks to their detailed documentation.
For NestJS, we only use it when we have a backend team of 3+ developers. Frameworks like Express or Deno can offer too much flexibility, which often leads to messy codebases without strict team coordination. NestJS provides the structure and scalability we need for larger, more organized teams.

sokol8 profile image
Kostiantyn Sokolinskyi

1) I didn't know you can migrate Supabase to a self-hosted instance (I never used it to be honest). Thanks for the tip.

2) For Next.JS we use much smaller RAM for VM and we're heavy on SSR due to the nature of our projects. What hosting did you use for it?

3) Express/Koa just need proper guardrails and code review. But I agree that NestJS offers some built-in guardrails which allow less code drift between team-members.

iyobo profile image
Iyobo Eki

I agree with Nextjs not being all it's pent up to be. I at least respect the article for confining it to the frontend box. You would have to be some sort of glutton for punishment to use Nextjs as your backend.

For the backend, NestJS is alright but there are way faster, simpler, yet just as full featured NodeJS backend frameworks. I would even rather choose Deno2 over NestJS for a backend if I were to start something right now.

sokol8 profile image
Kostiantyn Sokolinskyi

what Node.js frameworks would you choose if not Deno or Nest?

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iyobo profile image
Iyobo Eki • Edited

Anything light that prioritizes Typescript and can generate some sort of contract from your backend code that can be used by all language-agnostic clients and micro-services alike, especially on a code-intellisense level.

By contract, I mean the OpenAPI/swagger (rest), GraphQL or gRPC (protobuf) type specs.

Personally, I prefer openApi/swagger contracts for most general APIs. There are a lot of lightweight frameworks that meet this requirement. Given the rate of creation of new NodeJS frameworks, I want this post to stand the test of time by not listing anything specific here 😂... otherwise I would have mentioned a NodeJS framework I built myself.

ayoulaarbi profile image

what's your take on the MERN stack ? and about the database ... which is better to use mysql/postgres or mongo db ?

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iyobo profile image
Iyobo Eki

No one can really answer that question for you without more information. Postgres is generally a safer bet if you don't know what your project could become, because it can also double as an indexable document database similar to mongodb thanks to JSON/JSONB

ayoulaarbi profile image

what's your take on the MERN stack ? and about the database ... which is better to use mysql/postgres or mongo db ?

goldfinger profile image

I always prefer relational databases (postgres) over document databases for most tasks. They are not always the best, but they usually are. Depending on your application, most of the time you are connecting pieces of data in an organized manner, this can get more complicated with Mongo, especially if you aren't very strict with on you build the documents.

janpierre_schutte_6d443 profile image
Jéan-Pierre Schutte

I've worked with Next, Nuxt, Angular, plain React and plain VueJS. I have 3 years on NextJS. 2 on Nuxt, and Nuxt takes the cake. The only reason NextJS and React are more popular is because of posts like this.

emmsdan profile image
Emmanuel Daniel

I give this comment 10x like.

trener_107 profile image
Maksym Sokolov

What technology was the best for you? It would be very interesting to hear an honest answer from an experienced developer.

bbqchickenrobot profile image

I believe his vote will before for Nuxt as that is what he already stated

ain477 profile image
Al-Amin Islam Nerob

I think you're correct, In my opinion NextJS team doesn't care about other platform while Nuxt made a great decision here.

I tried both, but as per my experience Nuxt is winner here.

dansasser profile image
Daniel T Sasser II • Edited

I really like NestJS and have built a really robust CMS using it but with MongoDB as my database and Astro ( in SSR mode with the node adapter and custom middlewares ) for my front-end. I like the simplicity of Astro and I am able to use components from all the other frameworks in Astro. I have used NextJS on a few projects, especially when working on a project that involves Payload CMS. I just find Astro to be the better of the two in my developer experience and in the final product I am able to produce. The way Astro does hydration really makes the pages load fast especially those that you choose to have run in SSG mode.
Thanks for the post and your view and opinion of the products you discussed.

respect17 profile image
Kudzai Murimi

Ok, thanks for sharing the info, cant wait to get started building some amazing stuff using Next JS,

md_nesad_94bc9cc3fc3f4c22 profile image
Md Nesad

Why supabase with next Js as backend services. Why not firebase? Why not mongo DB? I am interest to learn next.js + mongo DB as backend services. Is it right or wrong decision for myself for 2025?

rayenmabrouk profile image
Rayen Mabrouk

Supabase with Next.js is a great choice because it’s built on PostgreSQL, which is excellent for relational data and complex queries. It offers built-in features like authentication, real-time updates, and storage, making development faster and easier. Unlike Firebase, which uses a NoSQL structure and can lead to vendor lock-in and unpredictable costs, Supabase is more migration-friendly and scalable. While MongoDB is a solid choice for unstructured data, it lacks the out-of-the-box features that Supabase provides, requiring additional setup for similar functionality. If you’re working on unstructured data, NextJs with MongoDB is a fine choice, but for relational and scalable apps, Supabase with Next.js is more future-proof for 2025.

sokol8 profile image
Kostiantyn Sokolinskyi

Just some personal reflection on this - Firestore is a great thing and it's cheap with a Vendor lock-in. Where you start paying with GCP is traffic. Firestore still stays cheap but you are already locked in :)
The good thing about Firestore - you can not care less about scalability issues - it's very-very scalable. Both reads and writes. And you don't have SQL which becomes annoying. Yet you can offload data into BigQuery if you need OLAP.
With Postgres you may run into scalability issues if you don't have a managed Instance which is frequently not cheap. I haven't looked at Supabase Postgres so cannot be objective here.

md_nesad_94bc9cc3fc3f4c22 profile image
Md Nesad

So, Can I introduce myself as a full stack developer if i have the above stack that we are talking about. Can I get a full stack job in start up if a have above stack?

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joshoftt profile image

LOL - Good luck my friend.

bbqchickenrobot profile image

Because the new take for startups is to hire script kiddies that use frameworks and langs that prohibit inexperienced devs from doing anything that could break the codebase. Instead of using frameworks that allow for growth and are just as fast for development the idea is that using something like NextJS is the best idea over something like asp .net or Actix/Axum with Rust lang. Its just sad really (IMO).

melvin_ukaibe_b744fb16de4 profile image
Melvin Ukaibe

Great article!!!. Just that I have tried severally to access the supabase website but to no avail. Please I need help with this. doesn't open on my laptop or phone and has stalled my progress on a project.

rayenmabrouk profile image
Rayen Mabrouk

Thanks! Try opening their website in an incognito tab—it might help if the issue is related to cached data or browser extensions. If that doesn’t work, you could also try accessing it from a different network or device to rule out any connectivity issues.

devyoma profile image
Emore Ogheneyoma Lawrence

@melvin_ukaibe_b744fb16de4 kindly use a VPN

jeremiebardon profile image
Jérémie Bardon

A few years ago, I started experimenting with Strapi and later transitioned to using NestJS. Recently, I revisited Strapi to implement a microservice at work. I highly recommend checking it out—it's an open-source Headless CMS that's both easy to use and highly extensible!

marksantiago02 profile image
Mark Santiago

Good article

lil__qwerty profile image
Emmanuel Bukunmi Oye

I'm writing this down,

I've always been in love with Next.js but this post just provided more clarity as to which tools to use along with it
Thanks a lot Rayen.

godevmode profile image
ilya nikulin

Use tools you are familiar with for projects that require a full attention to details. Learning is good, but it takes more time and effort to reach the same goal with the tech you are not used to...

cleanmind11 profile image
Kiran Huxley

Thank you for your help. I've learned a lot from your articles. Our journey to 2025 is progressing rapidly thanks to developers like you.

arcahyadi profile image

Typical typescript dev ahh post

bbqchickenrobot profile image

typical node + js dev IMO. Didn't even like Deno 2 lol

intermundos profile image
intermundos • Edited

This is a stack for 2023.

For 2025

Vue 3

sokol8 profile image
Kostiantyn Sokolinskyi

Why Bun?
Why Vue?

intermundos profile image

Bun delivers speed and convenience of one tool - testing, configs, scripting, etc.

Vue is a tool that provides great DX and tooling to build interfaces fast and elegant.

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sokol8 profile image
Kostiantyn Sokolinskyi

When you say speed - do you mean speed of execution? If yes, I wonder what you would says about this thread
and these speed testing results which show that node is in fact faster if you use the proper framework.

Why is Vue better than React in your opinion? I'm not developing in either but have developers around me who recently switched to React after many years of working with Vue and are very happy about their switch.

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intermundos profile image

Talking about speed - not the execution time, this I don’t care much as it will always be the DB as a speed bumper. I talk speed of work, installing deps, running project, working with tools. Let’s call it not speed but rather working velocity.

Regarding the benchmarks, they have nothing to do with your environment and requirements.

I do think vue is better in many areas. React is a horrible choice for mid/large scale projects. Worked with both tools on production level projects and will go with Vue 100 percent.

joshoftt profile image

Love this - and wish you well. Looking forward to your 2026 stack suggestion!

bbqchickenrobot profile image

For me its

asp .net core for API (docker)

Haven't found anything out there that make things more productive

geewhizbang profile image
Geoffrey Swenson • Edited

Ugh more horrible CSS abstractions, let's use Tailwind to make everything way more complicated than necessary. It's effing amazing what devs will do to avoid writing concise semantic CSS.

I'm not experienced with some of the other tech picked here with such breezy confidence, but I'd have to wonder if they got that part so wrong what does that mean about the rest?

nathandaly profile image
Nathan Daly

Laravel should be the top pick for 2025.

bbqchickenrobot profile image

It totally would be if it weren't for PHP lol.

brajesh_kumar_4519dbcde86 profile image
Brajesh Kumar

Thanks for sharing, I normally use nextjs to manage api and UIUX both and supabase is great place where I can save files , store data in database along with very good security options helps for granular access.

nandini_singh_aa047f6c3ce profile image
Nandini Singh

Awesome collection! Consider integrating FlyonUI into your project to leverage its Tailwind CSS component library. It offers a wide range of free, pre-built Tailwind CSS components that can help streamline your development process and enhance your UI design effortlessly.

joshoftt profile image
Josh-of-TT • Edited

We opt for Vue, Meteor and Mongo. Then introduce other layers when appropriate. 35 years as a Developer and havnt come across a better option when it comes to DX, Efficiency, Reactivity, Security and Performance.

skillboosttrainer profile image

Fantastic breakdown of the ultimate tech stack for startups in 2025! 🚀 The combination of Next.js 14, Supabase, and NestJS truly highlights the balance between speed, scalability, and developer experience.

I love how you've emphasized React Query for state management and its synergy with Context API—definitely an underrated combination that simplifies complex data workflows.

Curious about your experience with shadcn/UI. How does it compare with other UI frameworks like Material UI or Chakra UI when it comes to long-term maintainability in larger projects? Also, with Next.js 15 on the horizon, what feature updates are you most excited about incorporating into this stack?

Thanks for sharing such a detailed and actionable guide—it’s gold for anyone planning their startup journey. 🔥

arbaz_khan_7d06d2739736b8 profile image
arbaz khan

make one for microservices backend
with rabbitmq
with kafka

make 2 post actually one with each

akinmade_moses_e0547ab01c profile image
Akinmade Moses

Obviously a typescript dev

davidrock profile image
David Rock

Typescript is always better than plain JS

bbqchickenrobot profile image

Sounds like a node dev to me

disturbedneo profile image
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stevendev0822 profile image

Great stuff.

quedicesebas profile image
Sebastián Rojas Ricaurte

I rather prefer Angular + Firebase.

bbqchickenrobot profile image

Angular? Ouch. Why !!?!? lol

deekaydecoder profile image
Dev Deekay

Am still using ME RN stack

chiradeep7 profile image

Hi, will I get any online course, suppose in Udemy for this high end stack ?

quynhd3 profile image

React query can be an overkill if you just have a simple project, server focus and especially with RSC.

rmcdeveloper profile image
Ronaldo Correa

Honestly, you dont need NextJs if you consider usting Tanstack.

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