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React useCallback Guides

useCallback is used when a child is rerendering again and again without need.

This is a collection of top and trending guides written by the community on subjects related to React useCallback concepts. For all things React, check out the React tag! Please contribute more posts like this to help your fellow developer in need.

When to use useCallback - ReactJS?

Now, to apply the memo magic again, we need to make sure that resetCount function is not unnecessarily recreated on every render of Parent. This is exactly what useCallback helps us to do.

React: useCallback hooks simple explanation

UseCallback is one of the new features introduced in the react hooks API. Personally the name is quite confusing because callback is usually referred to asynchronous functions, the function that we invoke whenever a certain operation has finished. useCallback however is used for a different purpose.

When to useCallback and useMemo in our React projects?

Today we will talk about when to useCallback and useMemo React hooks in our projects.

Demystifying React Hooks: useCallback and useMemo

Some hooks are easier to understand and use than others, therefore this series of posts will focus on demystifying the hooks that are not as straightforward. Let’s start by explaining what occurs when a component re-renders, followed by defining the purpose of useCallback and useMemo, and finally discussing when it is and when it is not appropriate to use these hooks.

Understanding useCallback in react

Hello there, so we have almost covered the most used hooks in Reactjs. In my last post, we talked about the useRef hook. In this post, we'll be covering the useCallback hook. So let's start right away.

React.memo, useMemo, and useCallback for Performance Optimizations in React

14:24 - When passing Functions down as props, and when Functions are used in a dependency array, wrap them in the useCallback hook to avoid re-renders and prevent useEffects from firing on each re-render.

How to make your functional React components perform better (with useCallback and memo)

Let's rewrite changeSelection declaration using useCallback hook:

See updated codepen example:

We are not redeclaring them anymore. Great success!

useMemo and useCallback with example in React

This article is originally written here along with the code images ->

State Management in Pure React with Hooks: useCallback and React.memo

So, today you are going to learn all the basic concepts of useCallback Hook in this article.

React Hooks | Why useCallback ?

On Component mount, fnCount had one 1 entry but on each re-render of component saveText fn is re-initialized and is brand new so now fnCount has 4 entries (1 + 3 for each re-render). Since saveText is related to name state so should not be re-run on button click. This is the problem useCallback solves by not letting React to initialize function on each render unless dependencies in useCallback changes.

Using the useCallback React hook

The useCallback React hook is a useful hook that can help in optimizing the rendering performance of our functional React components. It is used to memoize functions which means it caches the return value of a function given a set of input parameters.

utilize the power of useState and useCallback hooks in React

What is the right way of using the useCallback and useState hooks in conjunction?

A Quick Guide to React useCallback Hook

The React useCallback hook can help you improve performance of your React apps. It is weird that useCallback hook is one of the hooks that are not discussed as often. In this tutorial, you will learn about what React useCallback is, how it works and how to use it. You will also learn a bit about memoization.

When to use useMemo and useCallback in React?

These two React hooks, useMemo and useCallback are useful when you’re dealing with expensive operations (that is, operations that are very complex and take a lot of time and resources, like CPU.)

Happy React useCallback coding!