Love this! I've set up something similar using Alfred. I can launch Alfred, type in "dev" and then a tag-name, and it'll autolaunch to
Nice one! If I am not mistaken, this can be auto-discovered by the browser if were to support the OpenSearch standard. What would you think about that, @ben
Junior developer, mostly web. I work with Java, Spring, Javascript, React, CSS and a little Rust on the side. Webdev is my preferred domain and I'm interested in technologies that push it forward.
Equal parts higher-ed IT, web dev and support; with a dash of freelance consulting thrown in for good measure. (Oct/19: Seeking change of pace. Not afraid to take a step back in order to move ahead!)
Love this! I've set up something similar using Alfred. I can launch Alfred, type in "dev" and then a tag-name, and it'll autolaunch to
This is sweet
Cool, right from the desktop!
Nice one! If I am not mistaken, this can be auto-discovered by the browser if were to support the OpenSearch standard. What would you think about that, @ben ?
More reference:
Yep, I actually just approved this PR. Will be live shortly. It was sitting in our open issues and our newest teammate @twhite jumped on it.
Sorry for the necropost, but I just used this to add as a search engine in Firefox. Open standards! :D
@jess !!!!
ahhhh haha! this is awesome. I've been wanting to do that too!
Late last week, I submitted a new !Bang suggestion to search engine DuckDuckGo; so with luck "!devto yada yada yada" should soon be a thing.
we're slowly conquering the web :-D