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Ricardo Santoyo
Ricardo Santoyo

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Super-JSS (Super Javascript Stylesheets) vs. Tailwind CSS in Angular: A Fresh Approach to Styling

As the web development landscape continually transforms, the tools we adopt play a crucial role in shaping our development experience and the final product's performance. Tailwind CSS, with its utility-first approach, has become a staple for many, but there's a burgeoning contender on the horizon. Super-JSS, empowered by Angular 16's innovative signals feature, is redefining styling within the Angular ecosystem. This article delves into a balanced exploration, underscoring the distinctive strengths of Super-Jss and its potential to redefine what's possible in Angular-based projects.

1. Introduction

Super-JSS: Super JSS, standing for Super JavaScript Stylesheets, revolutionizes Angular styling by harnessing the power of Angular 16's signals. It transforms CSS into manageable JavaScript objects, enabling dynamic and reactive styling with ease. This library not only simplifies the application of CSS properties but also leverages a theme definition system that allows for straightforward and flexible design adjustments. Learn More

Tailwind CSS: While Tailwind CSS offers a utility-first CSS framework with a comprehensive suite of predefined classes, Super JSS introduces a novel approach by integrating directly with Angular's reactive features, offering a unique solution for dynamic styling within the Angular ecosystem. Explore Tailwind

A Tailored Angular Experience: By embracing Angular's latest signal feature, Super JSS provides a tailored experience that aligns closely with Angular's core philosophies. It offers a seamless workflow for developers to define and adjust styles programmatically, making it a compelling choice for those invested in Angular's future. Discover the Philosophy

As we delve into the capabilities of Super JSS, we'll uncover how it stands as a testament to the adaptability and power of Angular's styling mechanisms, offering a fresh perspective on dynamic theming and responsive design.

2. Direct Integration with Angular Markup

With super-jss, styling is seamlessly integrated into Angular templates using the [sj] directive. This directive-based approach feels natural within the Angular ecosystem.

<!-- Basic Styling with super-jss -->
<div [sj]="{backgroundColor: 'red', color:'white'}">HELLO WORLD</div>

<!-- Responsive Design with super-jss -->
<div [sj]="{
  display: 'flex',
  flexDirection: {xs:'column', md:'row'},
  justifyContent: 'center',
  alignItems: 'center'
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Alternatively, you can define a style in TypeScript and then reference it in the HTML:

mySjStyle: SJssStyles = {
  display: 'flex',
  flexDirection: {xs:'column', md:'row'},
  justifyContent: 'center',
  alignItems: 'center'
<div [sj]="mySjStyle">RESPONSIVE DIV</div>
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A complete example may be found in this demo

Tailwind CSS:
Tailwind offers a set of predefined utility classes. While powerful, it might sometimes require additional configurations for dynamic behavior in Angular.

<!-- Basic Styling with Tailwind -->
<div class="flex flex-col xs:flex-column md:flex-row justify-center items-center"">HELLO WORLD</div>
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3. Dynamic Styling Based on Component State

Dynamic styling is one of the strengths of super-jss is its ability to leverage JavaScript directly within styles, making it easier to apply dynamic styles based on component state or logic.

Imagine a scenario where you want to change the background color of a div based on a component's state, say, a status property:

export class MyComponent {
  status: 'success' | 'error' | 'warning';
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With super-jss, you can directly bind this state to your styles:

<div [sj]="{
    backgroundColor: status === 'success' ? 'green' : status === 'error' ? 'red' : 'yellow',
    color: 'white'
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This direct binding allows for a more intuitive and readable style definition, especially when dealing with more complex logic.

Tailwind CSS:
In Tailwind, achieving the same would require additional steps. You would have to bind class names conditionally in your template:

<div [ngClass]="{
    'bg-green-500': status === 'success',
    'bg-red-500': status === 'error',
    'bg-yellow-500': status === 'warning'
  }" class="text-white"
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While Tailwind's utility classes are powerful, when it comes to integrating dynamic JavaScript logic directly into styles, super-jss offers a more streamlined approach.

4. Typography: A Direct Comparison

When it comes to managing typography in Angular applications, Super JSS and Tailwind CSS offer distinct approaches. Here's how they compare:

Super JSS: Intuitive Directive-Based Typography
Super JSS simplifies typography by allowing developers to apply styles directly through Angular directives. This method aligns with Angular's architecture, offering a more integrated and intuitive approach.

Example with Super JSS:

<!-- Apply typography styles with Super JSS -->
<h1 [sj]="'H1'">Heading 1</h1>
<p [sj]="'Body1'">This is a paragraph.</p>
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In Super JSS, the [sj] directive is used to apply predefined typography styles from the theme. This keeps the HTML clean and focused on content rather than styling details.

Tailwind CSS: Utility-First Typography
Tailwind CSS, with its utility-first approach, requires developers to add specific classes for typography, which can lead to more verbose HTML.

Example with Tailwind CSS:

<!-- Apply typography styles with Tailwind CSS -->
<h1 class="text-2xl font-bold">Heading 1</h1>
<p class="text-base">This is a paragraph.</p>
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With Tailwind, each typography style is a separate utility class that needs to be added to the HTML element. This approach provides granular control but can become cumbersome with complex styling requirements.

Tailwind CSS:
Tailwind CSS provides a set of typography utilities, but they are more granular and require developers to apply individual classes for each property. While this offers flexibility, it can lead to verbose HTML markup. Theming in Tailwind involves configuring the tailwind.config.js file, which can be extensive and might require a steeper learning curve for those unfamiliar with the framework.

5. Applying a Custom Theme with Super JSS

Super JSS simplifies the process of defining and applying a custom theme throughout an Angular application. By modifying the default theme configuration, you can set global style properties that will be consistent across all components.

Defining a Custom Theme:

// Create a custom theme based on the default configuration
const myTheme: SJTheme = defaultThemeConfig();
// Customize primary and secondary color palettes
myTheme.palette.primary.main = '#007bff'; // Set primary color to blue
myTheme.palette.secondary.main = '#dc3545'; // Set secondary color to red
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This snippet shows how to create a custom theme by starting with the default configuration provided by Super JSS and then overriding specific properties, such as the primary and secondary color palettes.

Applying the Theme Globally:

import { sjTheme } from 'super-jss';
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Once the custom theme is defined, applying it is as simple as calling sjTheme.set with the theme object. This method updates the theme globally, ensuring that all components using theme-related utilities will automatically receive the updated styles.

Comparison with Tailwind CSS Theming

In contrast to Super JSS, Tailwind CSS requires developers to define themes within a configuration file (tailwind.config.js). While this approach is powerful and flexible, it lacks the dynamic capabilities of Super JSS. Tailwind's theming changes are not reactive and require a rebuild of the stylesheets to take effect.


To wrap up, the comparison between Super-JSS and Tailwind CSS in Angular contexts reveals a clear divergence in styling philosophy. Super-JSS, with its embrace of Angular's reactive signals, offers a distinctly dynamic approach. It allows for styles that adapt seamlessly to state changes, making it a robust choice for applications that demand real-time responsiveness.

Tailwind CSS stands out for its utility-first paradigm, providing a vast array of predefined classes that cater to a wide range of styling needs. However, it may require additional effort to achieve the same level of reactivity that comes naturally with Super-JSS.

For developers aiming to create interfaces that are adaptive to both mobile and web platforms with minimal fuss, Super-JSS presents an attractive proposition. Its integration with Angular's reactive patterns ensures that your application's UI can effortlessly adjust to varying states and viewports.

Choosing between Super-JSS and Tailwind CSS will ultimately depend on your project's specific needs and your preference for a reactive, Angular-aligned approach versus a more traditional utility-based method.

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