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Serge Artishev
Serge Artishev

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Streamlining Azure Storage Queue Testing with Dynamic Data Generation Using Faker.js


In modern data engineering, the significance of using realistic data in testing environments cannot be overstated. By mimicking real-world data scenarios, engineers can not only ensure the robustness of their data pipelines but also ascertain the accuracy of their data analytics processes. It aids in identifying potential bottlenecks and errors before they manifest in production environments, thereby enhancing the reliability and efficiency of data solutions. Moreover, it helps in fine-tuning data security and privacy measures by testing them against data that closely resembles actual operational data.

Brief on Azure Storage Queue and Faker.js

Azure Storage Queue is a Microsoft Azure service that enables asynchronous message queuing between application components. It facilitates communication via messages up to 64 KB in size that can be kept in the queue for up to 7 days, enabling you to build flexible and reliable applications.

Faker.js is a powerful and flexible library that facilitates the generation of massive amounts of realistic fake data. It supports a numerous amount of data types, including names, addresses, numbers, texts, dates, and many more, making it a go-to solution for testing and developing applications that require a rich dataset.

Setting Up Your Environment

1. Dependencies and Installations

Setting up Node.js and Required Libraries

Before diving into the core implementation, it is essential to set up a conducive development environment. Begin by installing Node.js from the official website. Post installation, you can create a project directory and initiate a Node.js project using:

mkdir project_name
cd project_name
npm init -y
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Next, install the necessary libraries - @azure/storage-queue, @faker-js/faker, and @oclif/core - using npm:

npm install @azure/storage-queue @faker-js/faker @oclif/core
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In this project, we are also utilizing the OCLIF (Open CLI Framework) to build a Command Line Interface (CLI) application that facilitates seamless interaction with Azure services. If you are unfamiliar with building Azure-ready CLI applications, refer to my previous post where I provide a detailed walkthrough to set up an OCLIF CLI application for data integration projects on Azure.

Configuring Azure Storage Queue

To work with the Azure Storage Queue, you'll need to set up an Azure account and create a new Storage account if you haven't already. Follow the official documentation to get this done. Remember to store your accountName and queueName safely as they will be required to authenticate your application.

2. Template Structuring

Creating JSON Templates with Dynamic Data Elements

Creating dynamic JSON templates serves as the blueprint for the messages to be enqueued. Start by creating a JSON file, say sample.json, and defining the structure of the data including placeholder elements that will later be replaced by dynamic values generated by Faker.js. For instance:

  "uuid": "{{uniqueId}}",
  "firstName": "{{firstName}}",
  "lastName": "{{lastName}}",
  "email": "{{email}}",
  "address": {
    "city": "{{}}",
    "zipcode": "{{faker.address.zipCode}}",
    "streetAddress": "{{faker.address.streetAddress}}"
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Using Faker.js Expressions for Flexible Data Generation

Faker.js plays a crucial role in replacing the placeholders in your template with realistic data. In your JavaScript/TypeScript file, you can create a function to populate these templates using Faker.js methods. Here’s how you can do it:

import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker';

function populateTemplate(templateContent) {
  const replacements = {
    "{{uniqueId}}": faker.datatype.uuid(),
    // ... (include other replacements)

  Object.keys(replacements).forEach((placeholder) => {
    templateContent = templateContent.replace(new RegExp(placeholder, 'g'), replacements[placeholder]);

  return templateContent;
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With these steps, you have laid a solid foundation to build a dynamic, data-driven application capable of enqueuing realistic messages into the Azure Storage Queue.

Developing the Enqueue Service

1. Class Construction

In our setup, the central component facilitating the enqueue operation is the EnqueueService class. This section dissects the construction of this class, and the initialization of the Azure Storage Queue client.

Establishing the EnqueueService Class

The EnqueueService class serves as the cornerstone of our application, encapsulating the logic needed to interact with Azure Storage Queue. It's initiated with an Azure account name, a queue name, and credentials as parameters. Here's a snippet demonstrating this:

export class EnqueueService {
  private queueClient;

  constructor(accountName: string, queueName: string, credential: ExtTokenCredential) {
    const queueServiceClient = new QueueServiceClient(`https://${accountName}`, credential);
    this.queueClient = queueServiceClient.getQueueClient(queueName);

  // ... other methods
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Initializing the Azure Storage Queue Client

During the initialization phase, we create an instance of QueueServiceClient from the Azure SDK. We then initialize a queueClient instance by invoking the getQueueClient method, which will be used to interact with the designated queue throughout the application. This step ensures smooth communication with the Azure Storage Queue:

async initialize() {
  await this.queueClient.createIfNotExists();
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This method, initialize, ensures that the queue exists before any message enqueue operation, creating it if necessary, thereby preventing potential errors during runtime.

2. Message Handling

The sendMessage method plays a pivotal role in our service class, serving as the mechanism through which messages are constructed and dispatched to the queue. This section covers integrating various message templates and implementing custom logic for realistic data generation using Faker.js.

The sendMessage Method: Integrating Template Message Types

The sendMessage method in the EnqueueService class manages the sending of messages to the Azure Storage Queue. It verifies the existence of a message template and reads it if available. Below is the method in question:

async sendMessage(messageTemplate: string | undefined) {
  let message;
  const templatePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), messageTemplate);
  if (fs.existsSync(templatePath)) {
    const templateContent = fs.readFileSync(templatePath, 'utf-8');
    message = this.populateTemplate(templateContent);
  } else {
    throw new Error('Template file not found');
  await this.queueClient.sendMessage(message);
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Implementing Custom Logic with Faker.js for Realistic Data Patterns

To create realistic and varied data patterns, we utilize Faker.js within the populateTemplate method. Initially, this method identifies and replaces Faker.js expressions within the template with actual values generated by Faker.js. Subsequently, we implement custom logic to generate a dataset with realistic relationships, as shown below:

populateTemplate(templateContent: string): string {
  // ... existing logic to replace faker expressions

  // Implementing custom logic for data patterns
  const sex = faker.person.sexType();
  const firstName = faker.person.firstName(sex);
  const lastName = faker.person.lastName();
  const email ={ firstName, lastName });

  const replacements: any = {
    "{{uniqueId}}": faker.datatype.uuid(),
    "{{avatar}}": faker.image.avatar(),
    "{{email}}": email,
    "{{firstName}}": firstName,
    "{{lastName}}": lastName,
    "{{sex}}": sex,
    "{{subscriptionTier}}": faker.helpers.arrayElement(['free', 'basic', 'business']),

  Object.keys(replacements).forEach((placeholder: string) => {
    templateContent = templateContent.replace(new RegExp(placeholder, 'g'), replacements[placeholder]);

  return templateContent;
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In this code snippet, we further enrich the template content with a more comprehensive set of placeholders, generating a structured message with fields such as firstName, lastName, email, and others, which are populated dynamically with realistic data patterns thanks to Faker.js.

Coding the Command Line Interface

Utilizing the @oclif/core for CLI Development

In our solution, the OCLIF (Open CLI Framework) serves as the backbone of our CLI application. This tool enables developers to craft single or multi-command CLIs with ease, offering capabilities such as plugin support, auto-generated help, and argument/flag parsing. You'd start by importing the necessary classes and initializing the command description and flags, as seen in the enqueue.ts script.

import { Command, Flags } from '@oclif/core';
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Implementing Flags for User-Defined Input

In the CLI, Flags offer a mechanism to specify various options that modify the behavior of a command. They are defined in the static flags object in the Command class. In our implementation, flags are used to define parameters such as rate, minutes, accountName, and others, providing flexibility in how the command can be executed.

static flags = {
    help:{ char: 'h' }),
    rate: Flags.integer({ char: 'r', description: 'number of records to send per minute', default: 60, max: 100000 }),
    // ... other flags
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Structuring the Enqueue Command

Our Enqueue class extends from the Command class provided by @oclif/core. This forms the basis of our command. Inside this class, we describe the command, define flags, and implement the run method which contains the logic for our command.

import { Command, Flags } from '@oclif/core';
import { EnqueueService } from '../utils/azure/EnqueueService';
import { errorMessages } from '../errorMessages';
import { ExtTokenCredential } from '../ExtTokenCredential';
import { Progress } from '../utils/progress';

export default class Enqueue extends Command {
  static description = 'Enqueue random strings into Azure Storage Queue';

  // Define flags 
  static flags = {
    help:{ char: 'h' }),
    rate: Flags.integer({ char: 'r', description: 'number of records to send per minute', default: 60, max: 100000 }),
    minutes: Flags.integer({ char: 'm', description: 'Number of minutes to run the command', default: 1, max: 120 }),
    accountName: Flags.string({ char: 'a', description: 'Azure storage account name' }),
    queueName: Flags.string({ char: 'q', description: 'Azure storage queue name' }),
    messageTemplate: Flags.string({ char: 't', description: 'Message template to use for enqueueService' }),

  // Command logic 
  async run() {
    // (Details in next sub-section)
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Implementing the Run Method

The run method is where the command's logic resides. Here, we parse the flags, validate the inputs, and initiate the EnqueueService. We also handle any errors that might occur during the process.

async run() {
  const { flags } = await this.parse(Enqueue);

  // Validate the inputs
  if (!flags.accountName) {
    this.error(errorMessages.MISSING_ACCOUNT_NAME.message, errorMessages.MISSING_ACCOUNT_NAME.options);

  if (!flags.queueName) {
    this.error(errorMessages.MISSING_QUEUE_NAME.message, errorMessages.MISSING_QUEUE_NAME.options);

  // Initialize credentials and enqueue service
  const credential = new ExtTokenCredential();
  const enqueueService = new EnqueueService(flags.accountName!, flags.queueName!, credential);

  // Setup and start the message enqueue process
  try {
    await enqueueService.initialize();

    const totalMessagesToSend = flags.rate * flags.minutes;
    const ratePerSecond = flags.rate / 60;
    let count = 0;

    const progress = new Progress(totalMessagesToSend);

    const intervalId = setInterval(async () => {
      try {
        if (count >= totalMessagesToSend) {
          this.log('Operation completed');

        await enqueueService.sendMessage(flags.messageTemplate);
        count += 1;
      } catch (error: any) {
        this.error(`Error sending message: ${error.message}`, { exit: 1 });
    }, 1000 / ratePerSecond);
  } catch (error: any) {
    this.error(`An error occurred: ${error.message}`, { exit: 1 });
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In the above script:

  1. We first parse and validate the command line flags.
  2. Next, we initialize the EnqueueService with necessary credentials.
  3. We then calculate the total messages to send and the rate per second based on the inputs.
  4. A periodic interval is established to send messages at the defined rate, and progress is tracked using a Progress instance.

Using the CLI with the Enqueue Command

In this section, we will go through the steps and options available when using the CLI with the enqueue command. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Setting Up the CLI

Before you begin, ensure that your CLI tool is properly installed and configured to interact with your Azure account. Connect to your Azure subscription with the following command:

your-cli-app-name login
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Step 2: Understanding the Command Structure

The basic structure of the enqueue command is as follows:

your-cli-app-name enqueue -a <account_name> -q <queue_name> -r <rate> -m <minutes> -t <message_template>
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Explanation of the flags used in this command:

  • -a, --accountName - Azure storage account name
  • -q, --queueName - Azure storage queue name
  • -r, --rate - Number of records to send per minute (default: 60, max: 100000)
  • -m, --minutes - Number of minutes to run the command (default: 1, max: 120)
  • -t, --messageTemplate - Path to the message template to use for enqueue service

Step 3: Executing the Command

Navigate to the directory where your project resides and execute the enqueue command with the desired parameters. Here’s an example:

your-cli-app-name enqueue -a "yourAccountName" -q "yourQueueName" -r 100 -m 10 -t "./path/to/your/template.json"
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Step 4: Monitoring Progress

Once the command is running, you will see a progress bar indicating the number of messages enqueued in the Azure storage queue per minute (see sample output below). You can monitor this to keep track of the operation.

  "uuid": "b9d0dc0c-3daa-46c0-85b0-379211bf02a4",
  "sex": "male",
  "firstName": "Morris",
  "lastName": "Kautzer",
  "email": "",
  "location": {
    "city": "East Douglasboro",
    "zipcode": "70926-3491",
    "streetAddress": "29727 Braun Mountains"
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Step 5: Error Handling

In case of any errors, the CLI will output descriptive error messages. Make sure to check the error messages for clues on how to rectify any issues encountered.

Step 6: Stopping the Operation

To stop the operation at any point, you can use Ctrl+C to terminate the process.


In this tutorial, we have successfully navigated through the setup and utilization of a CLI tool that integrates Faker functionality into Azure's storage queue services. By following the outlined steps, data integration engineers can seamlessly generate and enqueue randomized messages into the Azure Storage Queue, enhancing data testing and validation processes.

As we have seen, the combination of a message template system along with the Faker library empowers engineers to craft realistic and complex data structures effortlessly. Moreover, with the customization offered in the message template, engineers have the flexibility to create data that suits various scenarios and requirements.

Moving forward, you might consider exploring further customization of the message template to cater to more complex data structures or integrating this CLI tool into your CI/CD pipeline for automated data testing.

Remember, the key to effectively utilizing this tool is understanding the available commands and options, and adapting the message templates to suit your project's unique needs.

I encourage you to experiment with different configurations and discover the full potential of this tool in streamlining your data integration processes on Azure.

Happy coding!

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