Latest episodes

Pre Seed Investing with Gaurav Afore
Software Engineering Daily,
Redpanda: Kafka Alternative with Alexander Gallego
Software Engineering Daily,
Machine Learning Carbon Capture with Diego Saez-Gil
Software Engineering Daily,
Rust and Go Research with Linhai Song
Software Engineering Daily,
Dgraph: Native GraphQL Database with Manish Jain
Software Engineering Daily,
Smart Agriculture with David Potere
Software Engineering Daily,
Network Discovery with HD Moore
Software Engineering Daily,
Big Tech with Alex Kantrowitz
Software Engineering Daily,
Kubecost with Webb Brown
Software Engineering Daily,
TensorFlow Lite with Pete Warden
Software Engineering Daily,
Data Observability with Barr Moses and Lior Gavish
Software Engineering Daily,
Vendia: Serverless and Blockchains with Tim Wagner and David Wells
Software Engineering Daily,
Serverless Revolution with Tyler McMullen
Software Engineering Daily,
WebAssembly on IoT with Jonathan Beri (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,
Facebook GraphQL with Lee Byron (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,
Cloud-Native Applications with Cornelia Davis (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,
Kubernetes vs. Serverless with Matt Ward (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,
Drishti: Deep Learning for Manufacturing with Krish Chaudhury (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,
Complacency with Tyler Cowen (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,
React Best Practices with Kent Dodds (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,
Niantic Real World with Paul Franceus (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,
React Native Interfaces with Leland Richardson (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,
LinkedIn Kafka with Nacho Solis (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,
Practical AI with Chris Benson (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,
Kafka Applications with Tim Berglund (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,
Kubeflow: TensorFlow on Kubernetes with David Aronchick (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,
Modern Front End: React, GraphQL, VR, WebAssembly with Adam Conrad (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,
Facebook React with Dan Abramov (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,
Facebook Engineering Process with Kent Beck (Repeat)
Software Engineering Daily,