DEV Community

Sh Raj
Sh Raj

Posted on

Leave for loop now ! πŸ€”

Can you guess what will be the output of

let cars2 = [4,5];
//cars2.length = 100;
cars2.forEach((car) => {
  console.log(car, "some text");
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let cars2 = [];
 cars2.length = 100;
cars2.forEach((car) => {
  console.log(car, "some text");
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let cars2 = [4,5];
 cars2.length = 100;
cars2.forEach((car) => {
  console.log(car, "some text");
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I tried to create a new way of looping in JavaScript, because I liked the forEach loop and I don't like the long formate of the for loop in js. I tried to invent a new way of looping so I search for loop javascript and edited this code.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h2>JavaScript For Loop</h2>

<p id="demo"></p>

const cars = ["BMW", "Volvo", "Saab", "Ford", "Fiat", "Audi"];
let text = "";
cars.length = 100;
for (let i = 0; i < cars.length; i++) {
  text += cars[i] + "<br>";

document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = text;

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This worked fine ( you can change to text += i + "<br>"; for getting counting )

the modification of array.length was working fine for the for loop.

but when I tried it with the forEach loop it's different. (a little bit obvious πŸ˜…) I thought I may be wrong at this but guess what even chatGPT given the wrong reply, it given the reply that I guessed at starting...

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but the read results are

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(Can anyone explain why?)
Isn't it interesting 🀨.


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Top comments (1)

elmonty profile image

for...of loops are more readable than forEach() and have practically the same amount of code. A for...of loop is slightly more performant because forEach() has to execute a function call on every iteration.

cars.forEach(car => {

for (let car of cars) {
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