
Shailesh Gokhale
Shailesh Gokhale

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Today I learned basics of linux commands, below commands are sufficient for devOps please guide someone.

Here are some essential Linux commands that are frequently used in DevOps for managing systems, automating tasks, and deploying applications:

1. File and Directory Management

  • ls: List files and directories.

     ls -la  # List all files with detailed information
  • cd: Change directory.

     cd /path/to/directory  # Navigate to a specific directory
  • cp: Copy files or directories.

     cp file1.txt file2.txt  # Copy file1.txt to file2.txt
     cp -r /src /dest  # Copy a directory recursively
  • mv: Move or rename files and directories.

     mv oldname.txt newname.txt  # Rename a file
     mv /src /dest  # Move a file or directory
  • rm: Remove files or directories.

     rm file.txt  # Remove a file
     rm -rf /path/to/dir  # Remove a directory recursively

2. File Viewing and Editing

  • cat: Concatenate and display file content.

     cat file.txt  # Display file content
  • less or more: View large files one screen at a time.

     less largefile.log  # View large files
  • grep: Search for a pattern within files.

     grep "pattern" file.txt  # Search for a pattern in a file
     grep -r "pattern" /path  # Recursively search in a directory
  • nano, vi, vim: Text editors for editing files.

     nano file.txt  # Open file in nano editor
     vi file.txt  # Open file in vi editor

3. System Monitoring and Process Management

  • top: Display real-time system information, including running processes.

     top  # Display running processes and system information
  • htop: An enhanced version of top (requires installation).

  • ps: Display information about running processes.

     ps aux  # List all running processes
  • kill: Terminate a process.

     kill -9 PID  # Forcefully terminate a process with the specified PID
  • df: Show disk space usage.

     df -h  # Show disk space usage in human-readable format
  • du: Show directory space usage.

     du -sh /path/to/dir  # Show size of a directory

4. Networking

  • ifconfig or ip: Display or configure network interfaces.

     ifconfig  # Display network interface information
     ip addr  # Display IP addresses
  • ping: Test network connectivity.

     ping  # Ping Google to test connectivity
  • netstat: Network statistics and connections.

     netstat -tuln  # List all listening ports
  • curl: Transfer data from or to a server.

     curl  # Fetch a web page
  • wget: Download files from the web.

     wget  # Download a file

5. User and Permissions Management

  • sudo: Execute a command as another user, typically root.

     sudo command  # Run a command with elevated privileges
  • chmod: Change file or directory permissions.

     chmod 755  # Set file permissions
  • chown: Change file or directory ownership.

     chown user:group file.txt  # Change owner and group of a file
  • useradd / userdel: Add or delete a user.

     sudo useradd username  # Add a new user
     sudo userdel username  # Delete a user
  • passwd: Change a user’s password.

     passwd username  # Change password for a user

6. Archiving and Compression

  • tar: Archive files.

     tar -cvf archive.tar /path/to/dir  # Create a tar archive
     tar -xvf archive.tar  # Extract a tar archive
  • zip / unzip: Compress or decompress files.

     zip file.txt  # Compress a file into a zip archive
     unzip  # Extract files from a zip archive

7. Package Management

  • apt (Debian/Ubuntu): Install, update, and manage packages.

     sudo apt update  # Update package list
     sudo apt install package_name  # Install a package
  • yum (RHEL/CentOS): Similar to apt for Red Hat-based distributions.

     sudo yum install package_name  # Install a package

8. Automation and Scripting

  • cron: Schedule periodic tasks.

     crontab -e  # Edit the cron jobs
  • bash: Shell scripting.

     echo "Hello, World!"

9. Version Control (Git)

  • git clone: Clone a repository.

     git clone  # Clone a git repository
  • git pull: Update local repository with remote changes.

     git pull origin main  # Pull latest changes from the main branch
  • git commit: Commit changes to the repository.

     git add .  # Stage all changes
     git commit -m "Commit message"  # Commit changes

10. Docker and Kubernetes

  • docker ps: List running containers.
  • docker images: List images.
  • docker build: Build an image.
  • kubectl get pods: List Kubernetes pods.
  • kubectl apply -f: Apply a configuration file.

These commands cover the basics for managing a Linux environment, handling files, processes, networking, and working with popular DevOps tools like Git, Docker, and Kubernetes.

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