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shanas tabong
shanas tabong

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about js

Please, I am blank in js. I really want to learn js.

Top comments (5)

softwaredeveloping profile image

That's great Shanas! I understand, it can be overwhelming when you starting out with programming period. I would reccomend to you, that you read the book by Kyle Simpson called You Don't know Java Script. To learn more about this, you can read this post. Hope this helps!

_bkeren profile image

strongly disagreed
without knowing js, that book will confuse him

It will be more effective if you read this book after your misconception about understanding everything about JS

softwaredeveloping profile image

I can see where you're coming from but I must fundamentally disagree. I learned Java Script from that book, before I knew enough to have misconceptions. In the first three chapter's the author works through basic JS. By the time I read those, I could write effective Java Script logic.

But, again, thank you for your opinion, and maybe it is true for some people. 😊

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shanas_tabong_4dfb59355d4 profile image
shanas tabong

thanks very much for the book.

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softwaredeveloping profile image

You're very welcome Shanas!