About KWOC:
KWOC(Kharagpur Winter of Code) is a 5-week long online program for the students by KOSS, who are new to open source software development. The program not only helps students to get involved in open source, but also preps them for many open source summer programs, Google Summer of Code being one of them.
About Me:
I'm a second year undergraduate in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at IIT Kharagpur. Initially I don't have much idea about open-source, git, GitHub and all this stuff. Then I thought to improve my knowledge in this area by
participating in KWOC during the winter break.
Project selection
I started learning about git and GitHub from resources provided. Then I have selected 2 projects, which are related to algorithms and data structures.
A collection of solutions for Hackerrank data structures and algorithm problems in Python
Be sure to
Table of Contents
- About The Project
- Contribution Instructions
- HackerRank Solutions
- A cool & collective resource
- Contributors
- Open source Events
About the project
A collection of solutions for HackerRank data structures and algorithm problems in Python, JAVA, and CPP. This community-owned project aims to bring together the solutions for the DS & Algo problems across various platforms, along with the resources for learning them. Problems from Leetcode will be included soon in the project. |
Contribution Instructions
- Please read contribution guidelines for contributing to the project.
HackerRank is a place where programmers from all over the world come together to solve problems in a wide range of Computer Science domains such as algorithms, machine learning, or artificial intelligence, as well as to practice different programming paradigms like…
A beginner-friendly project to help you in open-source contributions. Data Structures & Algorithms in various programming languages Please leave a star ⭐ to support this project! ✨
Please see the Contributing Guidelines .
The goal of this project is to help the beginners with their contributions in Open Source and bring all the possible algorithms of Machine Learning and Python together. We aim to achieve this collaboratively, so feel free to contribute in any way you want, just make sure to follow the contribution guidelines.
What is Open - Source?
The open source community provides a great opportunity for aspiring programmers to distinguish themselves; and by contributing to various projects, developers can improve their skills and get inspiration and support from like-minded people. When you contribute to something you already know and love, it can have so much more meaning, because you know how the tool is used and the good it does for you. Being part…
First PR
Updated a Read me file of the project.
Second PR
Written a C++ program for minimum loss with STL
Third PR
Updated the Readme file of the project corresponding to previous PR
Fourth PR
solved Qheap1 in Python and updated the Readme file of the project
Fifth PR
solved Knights tour problem and Subset sum problem using backtracking in C++
Sixth PR
solved m-coloring problem using >backtracking algorithmic- technique in C++
languages used
I had a total of 10 commits and 6 pull requests. I was a great learning experience. The mentors supported me well during the projects. This program helped me learn what open source projects are and how to contribute to them. The resources helped me a lot. I want to thank KOSS for conducting this. It is a great help to students preparing for GSoC.
Report by:
GitHub handle - shash-2468
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