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Phillip Shim
Phillip Shim

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Who is JSON?


JSON is a lightweight text-based data that stands for JavaScript Object Notation. This format is a popular choice when transferring data on a network and storing data in local storage. You should also note that it is an independent data format that can also be used by other programming languages.

JSON is frequently represented by two different formats: A JSON string or a JSON object. JSON object resembles very much like JavaScript object except that its keys and values need to be wrapped around with double-quotes. They are generally stored in files with .json extension.


// phillip.json
  "name": "Phillip",
  "age": 29,
  "languages": ["JavaScript", "Python", "C++"],
  "appearance": {
    "hairColor": "black",
    "eyeColor": "Brown"

JSON object is also a valid JavaScript object!


JSON in network responses

When making calls to APIs, it's very common to see JSON as a response. Let's retrieve some data using fetch from phillip.json into a JavaScript file that's in the same directory.


// index.js
fetch("./phillip.json").then(response => console.log(response)) // response object


Console logging out the received data gives us an HTTP response object and not the actual JSON we are looking for. To retrieve what we want, we need to use the built-in .json() method given by the HTTP response object. It will now return a promise containing the JSON.


// index.js
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => console.log(data)) // phillip object!


JSON in localStorage with stringify() & parse()

LocalStorage is a convenient option to store data as key/value pair when we want to persist the data even after an app closes. Think of it as a local database. One caveat to look out for though: objects and arrays can't be stored inside the localStorage.

// Set an item and immediately get it back
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {
    localStorage.setItem("profile", data)
    localStorage.getItem("profile") // [object Object] - what is this???


Here comes the rescue, JSON.stringify(). This method converts JSON object into a string, which enables us to store our data into the localStorage.


  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {
    localStorage.setItem("profile", JSON.stringify(data))
    localStorage.getItem("profile") // '{"name":"Phillip","age":29,...'


Let's start planning for the future. Eventually, we want to take out the stored JSON string and convert it back to the JSON object. JSON.parse() can help us achieve exactly that.



const profile = localStorage.getItem("profile")
JSON.parse(profile) // {name: "Phillip", age: 29,...} - phillip object!



Here is a list of important points that we covered.

  • Text-based data format to transmit data across the network.
  • Usually as an object or a string.
  • Can be stored in localStorage with some help of JSON methods.
  • JSON.stringiy() converts JSON object to a string
  • JSON.parse() converts JSON string to an object

Thank you for reading!!! 😄😆 Hopefully this article helped you understand a bit about who JSON is!

Oldest comments (10)

codingkim profile image

Oh, this one is what I was looking for. Thank you for sharing this!

shimphillip profile image
Phillip Shim

Glad it could help!

dimensi0n profile image

That’s a funny way to introduce JSON I think it could be very helpful thanks 🙏

shimphillip profile image
Phillip Shim

I am glad it could help!

shimphillip profile image
Phillip Shim

Love the meme! thanks for additional insight!

karataev profile image
Eugene Karataev

I also find it valuable to stringify JSON in a readable format by providing the third argument to the function (number of spaces). This is very handy when you have a long JSON to analyze or debug.

shimphillip profile image
Phillip Shim

Thanks for sharing! Very useful tip.

nwaforaustine profile image
Nwafor Austine • Edited

I know who JSON is.

He is that guy who taught JavaScript how to communicate fluently with his brothers from other countries.


shimphillip profile image
Phillip Shim


adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett 🌀

Best meme award!