DEV Community

Shweta tripathi
Shweta tripathi

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Why and what is HTML

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and it is a primary building block of creating a website

HTML is the foundation of a website it contains the information that tells the browser what is on the page in terms of text, links, where to find images. It also gives priorities to text, is it a header? Is it a paragraph? Is it a sub heading.You can also style individual words in HTML to make them, bold, italic, underline etc. It is like the skeleton of a webpage, it tells you what kind of creature you are dealing with and how all the limbs are organised.

.HTML is for creating Web pages.HTML elements are represented by tags. HTML tags identify content elements such as “heading”, “title”, “paragraph”, “table”, and so on. Browsers do not display HTML tags but use them to display the content of the page.

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