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5 Exciting Python Project for Beginners

1. Rock, Paper, Scissors

If you are tired of having no playmate, then a 5-minute stint of rock, paper, scissors with the computer, and designed by you, yourself will improve your mood.

We again use the random function here. You make a move first and then the program makes one. To indicate the move, you can either use a single alphabet or input an entire string. A function will have to be set up to check the validity of the move.

Using another function, the winner of that round is decided. You can then either give an option of playing again or decide a pre-determined number of moves in advance. A scorekeeping function will also have to be created which will return the winner at the end.

Source code: Rock Paper Scissors in Python

2. Hangman Game

This is more of a “guess the word” game. The core concepts you have to use while developing this project are variables, random, integer, strings, char, input and output, and boolean. In the game, users have to enter letter guesses, and each user will have a limited number of guesses (a counter variable is needed for limiting the guesses).

You can create a pre-organized list of words that users can grab words from. Also, you must include specific functions to check whether or not a user has entered a single letter or if the input letter is in the hidden word, to if the user has actually inputted a single letter, and to print the correct outcomes (letters).

Source code: Hangman Game in Python

3. Tic-Tac-Toe Game

We all have fond memories of playing Tic-Tac-Toe with our friends in school, don’t we? It is one of the most fun games you can play anywhere – all you need is a pen and paper! Usually, two players can play Tic-Tac-Toe at a time. The players create a 3×3 square grid.

While the first player puts “X” in any one of the squares, and the second player will put an “O” in any square. This process will continue until all the squares are filled with each player putting X and O alternatively. The player who succeeds in creating a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal with three consecutive X or O on the grid wins.

Source code: Tic Tac Toe Game in Python

4. Guess the Number

This is one of the simple python projects yet an exciting one. You can even call it a mini-game. Make a program in which the computer randomly chooses a number between 1 to 10, 1 to 100, or any range. Then give users a hint to guess the number. Every time the user guesses wrong, he gets another clue, and his score gets reduced. The clue can be multiples, divisible, greater or smaller, or a combination of all.

You will also need functions to compare the inputted number with the guessed number, to compute the difference between the two, and to check whether an actual number was inputted or not.

Source code: Guess The Number Game in Python

5. Password Generator

Creating a strong password and remembering it is a tedious task. You can build a program that intakes some words from the user and then generates a random password using those words. The user can remember the password with the help of the words he gave as an input.

Source code: Simple Password Generator using Python

Another python projects/codes: Python Projects/Codes

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