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Srijan Karki
Srijan Karki

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Git Cheat Sheet: Essential Commands for Version Control

Git is a powerful version control system that allows developers to track changes, collaborate on projects, and manage their code efficiently. This cheat sheet provides a quick reference to the most commonly used Git commands, helping you navigate through your version control tasks with ease.

Getting Started

Create a New Repository

To start a new project with Git, you can initialize a new repository:

$ git init [project name]
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If you want to clone an existing repository, use:

$ git clone git_url
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To clone a repository into a specified directory:

$ git clone git_url my_directory
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Making Changes

Check Status

To see which files have been modified and staged for your next commit:

$ git status
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Stage Changes

To stage a specific file:

$ git add [file]
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To stage all changed files:

$ git add .
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Commit Changes

To commit all staged files with a message:

$ git commit -m "commit message"
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To commit all tracked files (including those that are not staged) with a message:

$ git commit -am "commit message"
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Discard Changes

If you want to discard changes in your working directory that are not staged:

$ git restore [file]
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To unstage a staged file:

$ git restore --staged [file]
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To unstage a file but keep the changes:

$ git reset [file]
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Revert Changes

To revert everything to the last commit:

$ git reset --hard
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View Differences

To see the differences between your working directory and the last commit:

$ git diff
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To see the differences between staged changes and what is yet to be committed:

$ git diff --staged
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To apply any commits of the current branch ahead of a specified one:

$ git rebase [branch]
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Set User Information

To set the name that will be attached to your commits and tags:

$ git config --global "name"
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To set an email address for your commits:

$ git config --global "email"
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Customize Git Output

To enable colorization of Git output:

$ git config --global color.ui auto
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To edit the global configuration file in a text editor:

$ git config --global --edit
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Working with Branches

List Branches

To list all local branches:

$ git branch
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To list all branches, both local and remote:

$ git branch -av
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Switch Branches

To switch to a specific branch:

$ git checkout my_branch
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To create and switch to a new branch:

$ git checkout -b new_branch
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Delete a Branch

To delete a branch:

$ git branch -d my_branch
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Merge Branches

To merge branchA into branchB:

$ git checkout branchB
$ git merge branchA
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To tag the current commit:

$ git tag my_tag
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Observing Your Repository

View Commit History

To show the commit history for the currently active branch:

$ git log
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To see the commits on branchA that are not on branchB:

$ git log branchB..branchA
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File-Specific Logs

To show the commits that changed a specific file, even across renames:

$ git log --follow [file]
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Compare Branches

To see the differences between branchA and branchB:

$ git diff branchB...branchA
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Show an Object in Human-Readable Format

To display any object in Git in a human-readable format:

$ git show [SHA]
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Fetch Changes

To fetch all branches from a remote repository:

$ git fetch [alias]
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Merge Changes

To merge a remote branch into your current branch:

$ git merge [alias]/[branch]
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No Fast-Forward

To prevent fast-forwarding during the merge:

$ git merge --no-ff [alias]/[branch]
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Only Fast-Forward

To allow only fast-forward merges:

$ git merge --ff-only [alias]/[branch]
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Push Changes

To push local branch commits to a remote repository:

$ git push [alias] [branch]
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Pull Changes

To fetch and merge any commits from the remote branch you're tracking:

$ git pull
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Cherry-Pick Commits

To merge just one specific commit from another branch:

$ git cherry-pick [commit_id]
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Working with Remotes

Manage Remotes

To add a remote repository URL as an alias:

$ git remote add [alias] [url]
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To show the names of the remote repositories you've set up:

$ git remote
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To show the names and URLs of the remote repositories:

$ git remote -v
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To remove a remote repository:

$ git remote rm [remote repo name]
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Change Remote URL

To change the URL of the remote repository:

$ git remote set-url origin [git_url]
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Temporary Commits

Stash Changes

To save modified and staged changes temporarily:

$ git stash
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To list stashed changes:

$ git stash list
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To apply changes from the top of the stash stack:

$ git stash pop
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To discard changes from the top of the stash stack:

$ git stash drop
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Tracking Path Changes

Remove Files

To delete a file from the project and stage the removal:

$ git rm [file]
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Move Files

To change an existing file path and stage the move:

$ git mv [existing-path] [new-path]
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View File History

To show all commit logs with an indication of any paths that moved:

$ git log --stat -M
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Ignoring Files

A .gitignore file specifies intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore. Here are some examples:

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Git Tricks

Rename Branch

To rename the current branch:

$ git branch -m <new_name>
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Push and Reset

To push and set the upstream branch:

$ git push origin -u <new_name>
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Delete Remote Branch

To delete a remote branch:

$ git push origin --delete <old>
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View Logs

To search for a change by content:

$ git log -S'<a term in the source>'
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To show changes over time for a specific file:

$ git log -p <file_name>
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To print out a visualization of your log:

$ git log --pretty=oneline --graph --decorate --all
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Branch Management

To list all branches and their upstreams:

$ git branch -vv
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To quickly switch to the previous branch:

$ git checkout -
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To get only remote branches:

$ git branch -r
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To checkout a single file from another branch:

$ git checkout <branch> -- <file>
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Rewriting History

Rewrite Last Commit Message

To rewrite the last commit message:

$ git commit --amend -m "new message"
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Git Aliases

To create shortcuts for commonly used Git commands:

git config --global checkout
git config --global branch
git config --global commit
git config --global status
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Git is an incredibly versatile tool for version control, offering numerous commands to manage your project's history, collaborate with others, and ensure your code is always in a good state. Keep this cheat sheet handy as a quick reference to streamline your Git workflow.

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