How do CRUD Operations work in JavaScript?
CRUD: 'CRUD' is the central tenet of every programming language, and we should strengthen our foundations to be hardcore developers.The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the working of CRUD operations by writing a 'Note-Taking Application' in pure Modern JavaScript.
Together these four operations make up the basic operations of storage management known as CRUD: Create, Read, Update and Delete.
Organizations that keep track of customer data, accounts, payment information, health data, and other records require data storage hardware and applications that provide persistent storage. This data is typically organized into a database, which is simply an organized collection of data that may be viewed electronically.
Four CRUD Operations Components Explained__
A relational database consists of tables with rows and columns. In a relational database, each row of a table is known as a tuple or a record. Each column of the table represents a specific attribute or field. The four CRUD functions can be called by users to perform different types of operations on selected data within the database.
Letter Operation Function
C Create Insert
R Read Select
U Update Edit
D Delete Delete
C for Create
The create function users to create a new record in the database. In the SQL relational database application, the Create function is called INSERT. It is called create. Remember that a record is a row and that columns are termed attributes. A user can create a new row and populate it with data that corresponds to each attribute, but only an administrator might be able to add new attributes to the table itself.
R for Read
The read function is similar to a search function. It allows users to search and retrieve specific records in the table and read their values. Users may be able to find desired records using keywords, or by filtering the data based on customized criteria. For example, a database of cars might enable users to type in "1996 Toyota Corolla", or it might provide options to filter search results by make, model and year.
U for Update
The update function is used to modify existing records that exist in the database. To fully change a record, users may have to modify information in multiple fields. For example, a restaurant that stores recipes for menu items in a database might have a table whose attributes are "dish", "cooking time", "cost" and "price". One day, the chef decides to replace an ingredient in the dish with something different. As a result, the existing record in the database must be changed and all of the attribute values changed to reflect the characteristics of the new dish.
D for Delete
The delete function allows users to remove records from a database that is no longer needed. Both SQL and Oracle HCM Cloud have a delete function that allows users to delete one or more records from the database. Some relational database applications may permit users to perform either a hard delete or a soft delete. A hard delete permanently removes records from the database, while a soft delete might simply update the status of a row to indicate that it has been deleted while leaving the data present and intact.
CRUD Operations table:
Top comments (1)
The delete version could be simplified using filter. You could do like