DEV Community

Svein Petter Gjøby
Svein Petter Gjøby

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Build your own version of React

Are you using React, but don’t really know how it works? The framework is quite simple and do not require understanding the underlying mechanisms for most day to day tasks. This workshop will take your skills up a level, giving you a thorough understanding of React.

Earlier this year, me and some colleagues created a workshop where you implement a very basic, yet working, version of React and ReactDOM.

Check it out

You will create a working version of React in less than 200 lines of code. It won’t be as efficient as React is. Nonetheless, you will gain valuable insight into how React work under the hood. We will demystify a lot of the concepts that are taken for granted when using React: representing the DOM-tree, rendering components, setting state and props, and re-rendering.

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