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First reaction to React

During the second phase of my coding bootcamp the focus was React. A feature of React that was a bit challenging to effectively use was passing props. Props allows us to pass information down from a parent component to a child component. Props can also be used to send information back up to the parent using callback functions. When callback functions are involved, it's easy to lose track of what you are passing and where. At first, it can seem like you are bouncing back and forth between components. I like to stick with a top down approach which helps keep me organized. This way, I can create the function in the parent component and pass down its reference to children component(s) as a prop, in a way that is easy to follow.

Top comments (3)

curiousdev profile image

Hello @tartope , thanks for your opinion on React. May I ask why you are learning German?

tartope profile image

Hey CuriousDev! Apologies for the delayed response. Thank you for reading my post. About learning German. I've visited the country twice and really enjoyed my time there and the culture. I think the language is cool and interesting. Learning it gives me more insight into the German culture too.

curiousdev profile image

No worries, @tartope ! I am glad you are interested in the German language. This surely is not the same as learning a programming language, but both are worth it ☺.