DEV Community

Tasha Penwell
Tasha Penwell

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It Is YOUR Story - Write The Next Chapter

Your story is one you can write the next chapter all the way to the end. Your story from the beginning to today may or not have been the one you wished. There may have been some twists and turns that were unexpected in terms of loss, unemployment, financial, relationships and overall stability but today is a new day.

A new day brings a new opportunity to write a few lines in your next chapter. Not impulsively, not recklessly but with a goal in mind. A goal to grow and enjoy the reading for the rest of the story that is all about You!

Take a step toward your next great chapter and write the ending you will love.

Read a book that inspires you
Take a class that teaches you
Meet people you can learn from
Find your spark and flame it

Since I'm talking about stories, I want to share a recent blog from Hocking College highlighting one of my students and her journey. Check out her story at

As a little addendum to this story, I want to share that she still loves farming and if you have the pleasure of knowing her or follow her on social media you'll see she's still very much about nature, farming and growing her own food. She's writing her chapters after an injury that combines skills that she's learning and a personal passion of hers. She's found her spark. Organizations and companies like Farmers Business Network are just one example of combining two worlds to write your story.

Ask yourself this...What story do you want read on your life?

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