DEV Community

Fernando - iOS Developer
Fernando - iOS Developer

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XcodeProjectBump: The Ultimate Tool for Automated Version Updates in Info.plist

Hello, fellow developers!

Managing the version of an iOS app can often feel repetitive and mundane. Specifically, manually updating version information in the Info.plist isn't just prone to errors but can also be a dent in our productivity. Recognizing this pain point, I introduce XcodeProjectBump.

🌟 Key Features of XcodeProjectBump:

🔍 Auto-detects the Info.plist file within your Xcode project.
📈 Seamlessly bump major, minor, hotfix, or build versions.
🍏 Crafted with Swift, leveraging the power of XcodeProj for proficient project manipulations.

How to Use:
XcodeProjectBump is designed for simplicity and can be used right from your terminal. For detailed usage instructions and installation, please refer to the GitHub repository.


If you're keen on contributing or have any feedback, feel free to raise issues or submit pull requests!

🔗 Check out XcodeProjectBump on GitHub

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