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21 Facts About Coding/Programming You Should Know

Programming is a complex and fascinating field, and there are many interesting facts about it that you may not know.

Here are 21 programming facts that will help you learn more about this amazing field:

  1. The first computer programmer was a woman named Ada Lovelace, who wrote the world's first algorithm in the 1840s.
  2. The term "bug" originated when a moth got trapped in a computer and caused a malfunction.
  3. The average computer code consists of about 20 lines.
  4. The world's first computer virus was created in 1983 and was called "Elk Cloner."
  5. The concept of emojis originated in Japan and was initially designed to enhance communication between different mobile platforms.
  6. The world's first website was published in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web.
  7. The "Hello, World!" program is a traditional way to introduce beginners to coding and is often the first program they learn to write.
  8. The Apollo 11 guidance computer, which landed humans on the moon, had less processing power than today's smartphones.
  9. The original name of Python programming language was inspired by the British comedy group Monty Python.
  10. The concept of open-source software encourages collaboration and allows anyone to view, modify, and distribute the source code.
  11. The fastest supercomputer can perform over 200 quadrillion calculations per second.
  12. The world's first computer programmer for hire was a woman named Charlotte "Lotte" D'Éon, who programmed the Analytical Engine.
  13. The programming language C was developed by Dennis Ritchie in the 1970s and is widely used for system programming.
  14. The most common programming language used for artificial intelligence and machine learning is Python.
  15. The first computer game, "Spacewar!," was created in 1962 by Steve Russell.
  16. The average salary of a software developer is higher than many other professions.
  17. The concept of object-oriented programming (OOP) revolutionized software development by allowing for reusable and modular code.
  18. The first computer mouse was invented in 1964 by Douglas Engelbart and was made of wood.
  19. The world's first smartphone, IBM Simon, was introduced in 1994 and included features like a touchscreen, email, and fax capabilities.
  20. The concept of virtual reality was first introduced in the 1960s.
  21. The programming language Java was originally called Oak.

I hope you enjoyed these 21 programming facts! Learn more exciting programming facts.

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