DEV Community

Discussion on: Reminder to follow the code of conduct

thejessleigh profile image
jess unrein • Edited

Just out of curiosity - there are several people here posting about content they find unsavory or not useful. What is the content you most enjoy engaging with on What keeps you coming back? What would encourage you to engage even more?

I’m fairly new here and trying to feel out the community and how to get the most out of the site.

We’re pretty far afield of the Code of Conduct issue at this point, but the comments here have been super interesting and I’d love to hear more.

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kaelscion profile image

I think all Dev communities could use more tutorials on using the core or standard libraries of languages. I think the best thing any newcomer can learn is what goes on under the hood. However, I also agree that the best way to learn something is to try and teach it to somebody else, as anybody who has tried to learn another spoken language well knows. I remember another thread on Dev that mentioned how our community is mostly new developers looking for an inclusive place to learn and ask questions. I believe @ben mentioned that as Dev grows it will attract more senior folk who can provide more constructive criticism. IMHO I'd say let the React and CSS guides roll on within reason and all of us will grow in time. Even a not-so-great tutorial can tell us something we didn't know.