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Drupal 8/9: Adding CSS body classes based on the current user's roles

Sometimes it's useful to add body classes based on the current Drupal user's roles.

This article shows how to do this by adding or modifying a theme_preprocess_html() implementation in your .theme file.

No twig modifications required.

Step 1: implement theme_preprocess_html()

In your theme's MYTHEME.theme file, add the following preprocess function:

 * Implements hook_preprocess_html().
function MYTHEME_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
  $roles = \Drupal::currentUser()->getRoles();
  foreach ($roles as $role) {
    $variables['attributes']['class'][] = "role-{$role}";
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→ Be sure to replace MYTHEME with the name of your own theme.
→ Be sure to clear your caches.

Assuming the current user has the administrator role, the body classes for each of the pages this user loads will now also contain:

  • role-authenticated
  • role-administrator

Step 2: add styles

You can now add styles targeted at specific user roles.

We use this technique to render certain administrative / debugging styles for admin users.

Here's an example: highlighting images without alt descriptions.

.role-administrator img:not[alt],
.role-administrator img[alt=""] {
  border: solid red 2px;
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Mahmoud Sayed

Then in your theme's html.html.twig file add:
<body{{ attributes }}>