DEV Community

Travis Campbell
Travis Campbell

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The Apprenticeship Begins

Unfamiliar Territory

Never having written any kind of blog or journal, this is a completely new thing for me, but lets give it a shot.

Let's start this adventure!

Introductions are in order

My name is Travis, and I'm just now really getting into the world of being an adult. After high school I took a gap year before going to college for Computer Programming and now I'm here as an Apprentice hoping to further my software development skills!

But more about me, I'm an avid nerd and gamer. I play numerous video games, board games, card games or even tabletop role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons. Along with that I enjoy hanging out with friends and listening to music.

What's the point of this blog?

I don't really know
Well... to be honest I'm not sure. I know that this will help show the growth I have in Software development but also as a person too. Not only that but it may help other people get to know me better and better assess who I am before working with me.

This may also help me set goals for myself to improve personally within any ventures I take, but for now it'll serve as a journal for my Apprenticeship and journey through software Development.

Settings some Goals

I have quite a few goals to achieve, especially with this apprenticeship but also with my career as a whole.

1. Improve my Programming skills

Although I've had experience in programming due to college, I know there's a ton to learn still. There's so many languages, techniques, and practices that I do not know about that are common in the workplace.
Along with that, there's tons of things within the languages I do know that I would never have thought of existing I'm sure.

2. Get better confidence

I have a lot of anxiety and frequently deal with Imposter syndrome. Despite my actual ability to make effective code and make tangible results, I often doubt my capabilities and worry a LOT about getting my code actually done.
Overtime I hope this will get better as I get more comfortable with my self in the programming space.

3. Create lasting relationships

It's a hopeful goal that after this apprenticeship, I'll have a good lasting relationship with everyone in it. Where any of us can reach of for a consult, a get together to just hang out, or even help each other seize professional opportunities.

Wrapping things up

Hopefully I'll keep up with the blog, I definitely aim to at least post once a month to recap my growth and things that have happened so far. Along with looking forward to the next month on what I hope to get done.

That's all folks!

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