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Teflon John
Teflon John

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Network & ALL Devices Compromised

For over (3) years now, my smartphones, laptops and networks have been compromised by individuals I know. I have been collecting logs on everything I'm doing as well as what they are doing, nor am I hiding from them, cause I have nothing to hide. Now a few months before this started, my laptop was stolen off my kitchen table through a window. It was reported stolen immediately. 2 years later, the laptop shows up with Illegal Explicit Content all over it! Now this is why I report stuff like this; the date of the police report would be before the Illegal stuff was uploaded. I had to have a police officer make it very loud & clear so they (neighbors) would hear. Anything on that device uploaded after date reported stolen, and he hoped they turned it in to give them in return, Receiviing Stolen Property or Theft and charges for the illegal content for them to shut the fukc up, I was tired of hearing the neighbors talk about it...

Now the last (3) years, I found out the following:
-They are using C2 Connection(s) (Command & Control)

  • They are using (20+) DNS and / or CDNs before a connection to me. Everything from Akamai to AmazonAWS to Cloudflare to Level3 and so on and so forth. See images.
    • Depending on the wireless carrier, on TMO me and ALL my contacts shared the SAME IP address if they were on TMO. On Verizon and AT&T, Everytime the network changes, so does the IP address. Myself and all my contacts on TMO shared a Blacklisted IP in General and TMO. Even had a Blacklist on it ( which is owned and operated by DS-Lite and the small block of (7) IPs was the range. Ive had multiple devices and tested every carrier. On VZW, using NO DNS or Firewall, I am showing DNS IP Addresses. -Geo-Located all my IPs, the internal and externals as well and I am showing (20+) different countries the DNS / CDN IPs are coming from. -Now the Home Network is used by a bunch of IOT devices, fire sticks, laptops and (5) Roommates smartphones, all Android. All the devices when Geo-Locating show the same path my devices are showing. -I believe they are trying to frame me for things which I have not done, hacking a bunch of devices, ALL my contacts, and every network I attach too, I can't seem to shake them off my ass and firewalls do not block IP addresses in both my Linux Laptop and Android Smartphones (All Google Pixels) so they were always updated with the latest CVEs. -So if all these devices are connected via IP addresses, they are Using (20+) DNS or CDN Servers and C2 connections, while recording everything I am doing on my devices to (2) Clouds, AmazonAWS and CyberCloudSeven (owned and operated by Cloudflare). But the activities they are attempting to "hem me up for" I never did, not saying everything I ever did was legal ( illegal Narcotic Purchases : RIP #SilkRoad). Again, I am recording everything their doing and I'm doing and I'm not hiding anything so Im not using VPNs, DNSs, or anything to hide what I'm doing. And I haven't ordered or purchased anything illegal in over 15-20 yrs, which was either silkroad 1, 2, or 3.
  • In the last 3 years, I have notified the State Police Cyber Crimes Unit, my local prosecutor's office Cyber Crimes and FBI IC3 and sent a little bit of evidence and they are aware, I am just "information gathering" with a Ton of screenshots and network logs. -2 years ago I had a Federal Court hearing for SSI, the call lasted about 1hr 15min. At the end of the call, the Judge asked his assistant, also on the phone to stop the recording, about (30-60) seconds later, tap-tap tap-tap tap-tap, which I already knew what it was, the Judge yelles out before I could say a peep, "Who else is on this God-Damn Line, (5) times. Now my lawyer took the fall, because it was the professional thing to do. Now this was over the phone due to COVID. After this incident, I found out I could get a copy of the audio so I did, after listening (3) times, I realized the tapping started when they hit STOP! What that means is there were (2) recordings already going on before they hit record, a wire /phone tap is a recording over a recording, no matter how many times / ways you are recording a phone conversation, the 3rd cancels the (2) recordings out. Every 3rd or let's say an odd number of recordings at the same time. this confirmed my suspicion of we everything being recorded on (2) clouds, AmazonAWS and CyberCloudSeven. Now most if not all the apps they are using are cloud-based APIs. -Attacks are a combination of DDOS, MITM, and BruteForce and Port Scanning. -I also have information on the main Host, While checking IPs on Wireshark, top right-hand corner of my screen flashed a connection to either my Loopback or Laptop.********* and I heard my neighbors flipping out because they basically gave themselves up. After a few weeks trying to figure out the other letters to the address, I found it. Attentive Mobile is a company that has a Quantum or Super Computer their AI is running and in the NYC/North NJ area, and is also a $2.4Billion company. -my last network, I have months of network logs, showing C2 connections and all the external DNS IPs.
    • Last while Monitoring my Network, My Router (AP-Link) shows up on my Router, and they are now my old neighbors and now 3-4 towns away. How does my Router show up on my Router? Now I got their MAC Address of their Router, either they Fucked Up again or the software they are using Did. Now when I seen it, I didn't screenshot, I refreshed after a double take, My Router changed to My Computer but still same MAC and AP-Link does NOT make PCs... -Last, I reverse engineered all (20) DNS / CDN IPs and got their Comcast Business Account IP which is Private, This would be their internal IP not External IP. BTW any IP I ping that is connected to this orgy of IPs, DNSs, CDNs and Clouds gets a Ping of 2002ms, which sounds about right for the amount of "trying to cover their tracks.". I know who, they made it impossible to prove. I am hoping even if they got a new Router, I can Geo-Locate the GPS history of that TP-Link Router. The engineer that put this hack together works -The entire system is Automated AI and so easy a 1st grader can do it. mostly port Scanning from 65k down to 1, not up the channels, 1-65k.

I think they might be using an MDM by Akamai (Linode). Due to the fact that I was using Pixels and actually, let John Wu, head of Google Android Security about an exploit of the Block Camera and / or Block Mic was NOT Working. I wish I filed a big bounty, I didn't fix it, just pointed it out. Available in Android 15+ Block Camera & Block Mic now work, and beings they found the exploit, found out they were exploited by a company called which gave me More Info of some tools the Perps or Gangstalkers/ GasLighters.

My question to you "True Hackers" is what would you call this circus? the greatest show on earth? I know who it is but they made it almost impossible to trace back to them.

Thanks in advance

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