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Discussion on: In what year did you learn Web Development?

urielbitton profile image
Uriel Bitton

Very nice! :)
What technologies besides for html and css did you learn?

damjess profile image
Jess Damerst

Bit of Flash, bit of Java, if I recall. I was a GeoCities expert too, of course 😏 I was very limited by being one of the only kids working with an Apple (Macintosh) computer. So I preferred anything with a GUI such as photoshop. In these days, Linux/Unix was a dark-art because documentation was hard to come by for a kid. Or at least, I perceived it as such. I was almost scared to use the Terminal for fear of fdisk.

I was also somewhat interested in information security, which when you're 11 is also called "hacking your friends." Can't recall the tactics deployed at the time though, probably a bit of fuzzing and phishing.

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urielbitton profile image
Uriel Bitton

Pretty cool stuff! I also enjoyed and did a lot of stuff with java, it helped me a lot for javascript today, which i use all the time