DEV Community

Discussion on: How does your blog look in plain text 🤔

vonheikemen profile image

I looked around and it turns out those colors lynx shows are from a "theme", the default color scheme. I have been playing around with the config file for the theme and made slightly better: here is the link.

Also, because I had nothing better to do I made myself a few function for my .zshrc

# Transform the arguments into a valid url querystring
urlencode() {
  local args="$@"
  jq -nr --arg v "$args" '$v|@uri'; 

# Query duckduckgo
duckduckgo() {
 lynx -lss=~/.config/lynx/lynx.lss "$(urlencode "$@")"

To make it more convenient you can make an alias (or two).

alias ddg='duckduckgo'
alias '?'='duckduckgo'